Monday round-up — Part II

on Feb 15, 2016 at 5:28 pm
The death of Justice Antonin Scalia continues to generate considerable coverage and commentary. General coverage comes from Josh Gerstein at Politico, Pete Williams and Elizabeth Chuck at NBC, and Nina Totenberg on All Things Considered, with commentary coming from Josh Douglas at PrawfsBlawg, Daniel Hensel at Article 8, and by podcast at WORLD Radio.
Obituaries of the Justice come from Noah Feldman of Bloomberg View, Rachel Barkow at Observer, Nina Totenberg of NPR (who also has a podcast on Scalia), Roger Clegg of National Review, and Ilya Shapiro at CNN. At Fox News, Bill Mears assembles what he considers Scalia’s “most memorable lines.”
Other commentary addresses specific elements of Scalia’s legacy: his originalism, at All Things Considered; his Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, by Jonathan Blanks at Cato at Liberty; his influence on state and local governance, by Lisa Soronen of Knowledge Center for The Counsel of State Governments; his libertarian jurisprudence, by Ilya Shapiro at; and his more liberal jurisprudence, by Steven Mazie at Big Think.
Commentary more critical of Scalia’s legacy comes from Kenneth Jost at Jost on Justice; Andrew Cohen at Brennan Center for Justice; from Lisa Keen, with an emphasis on LGBT issues, at Keen News Service; and from Mark Silk, on religious freedom, at Religion News Service.
Dylan Matthews at Vox and Bill Mears at Fox News look at the political consequences and implications in 2016. Senator Mitch McConnell’s call for Scalia’s seat to remain vacant garners particular interest, with coverage from Harper Neidig at Politico, Robert Barnes of The Washington Post, and Dara Lind at Vox. Ilya Shapiro echoes that argument for at Forbes.
Commentary on potential nominees comes from Lawrence Hurley of Reuters and Bill Mears at Fox News. Domenico Montanaro of NPR outlines “seven things to know about [the] presidential appointment process” for the Court, and at ACSblog Neil Kinkopf looks at the history of Supreme Court nominations during presidential election years. At Balkinization, Curtis Bradley and Neil Siegel analyze what role, if any, “constitutional conventions” should play in the selection of a successor.
Coverage and commentary on the implications for the Supreme Court itself come from Charles Tiefer of Forbes, Lawrence Hurley of Reuters, and Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed. Steve Klepper at the Maryland Appellate Blog suggests a plan for Chief Justice John Roberts to preserve the Court’s institutional integrity in the year ahead.
Finally, some commentary addresses specific cases. At his eponymous blog, Ross Runkel looks at Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. Brad Plumer at Vox addresses Obama’s climate plans. Howard Fischer of Havasu News reviews Harris v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission. Lastly, at Casetext, Shaakirrah Sanders assesses the larger role Justice Anthony Kennedy may now play in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.