Evening round-up: Texas Department of Housing v. Inclusive Communities Project

on Jun 25, 2015 at 7:50 pm
This morning, the Court held the Fair Housing Act allows lawsuits based on disparate impact – that is, an allegation that a law or practice has a discriminatory effect, even if it was not based on a discriminatory purpose. Justice Anthony Kennedy authored the opinion for the five-Justice majority, while Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito each filed dissents.
Lyle reported on the decision for this blog, and Amy Howe covered the decision for us in Plain English. We are also hosting a symposium on the decision, which includes contributions from Valerie Schneider and Cory Andrews, with more to follow.
Other coverage of the decision comes from Pete Williams at NBC, Greg Stohr and David McLaughlin at Bloomberg Business, Samuel Hananel at the Associated Press (via The Washington Post), Lawrence Hurley at Reuters, Ariane de Vogue at CNN, Richard Wolf and Brad Heath at USA Today, Jess Bravin and Robbie Whalen at The Wall Street Journal, Adam Liptak at The New York Times, Timothy Phelps and David Savage at the Los Angeles Times, Bill Chappell at NPR’s The Two-Way blog, Chris Geidner at BuzzFeed, Tom Dart at The Guardian, Liz Crampton at The Texas Tribune, Michael Linderberger at the Dallas Morning News, Kriston Capps at The Atlantic’s City Lab, , Jon Prior at Politico, Steve Benen at The MaddowBlog, Trey Garrison at HousingWire, and Ruth Mantell at Market Watch, Erin Fuchs at Business Insider, and Rebecca Leber at The New Republic.
Commentary comes from Mark Joseph Stern at Slate, German Lopez at Vox, and Ruthann Robson at the Constitutional Law Prof Blog.