February arguments, day by day

on Dec 23, 2014 at 8:31 am
The Supreme Court will hold oral argument on the next major legal battle over the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday, March 4, at the end of the February-March sitting, the Court disclosed on Monday with the release of that argument calendar. The health care subsidy case of King v. Burwell is the only case scheduled for March 4, apparently to give the Court the option of hearing more than the usual one hour of argument.
All cases during the February-March sitting will be in the morning sessions, which start at 10 a.m. The day-by-day schedule, with a brief summary of the issue in each case, follows the jump.
Monday, February 23:
Kerry v. Din — right of U.S. citizen to sue consular officer over denial of a visa to a spouse
Coleman v. Tollefson — definition of “three strikes” provision in federal Prison Litigation Reform Act
Tuesday, February 24:
Henderson v. United States — federal court authority to require the government to transfer guns seized from an individual without a legal right to have a gun
Tibble v. Edison International — time limit to file a lawsuit against an employee benefit plan manager over investment decisions on plan assets
Wednesday, February 25:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores — scope of employer’s duty under Title VII not to discriminate against a job applicant based on religion
Baker Botts v. ASARCO — bankruptcy judge’s authority to award attorneys’ fees for defending an application for an award of such fees
Monday, March 2:
Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission — constitutionality and legality under federal law of congressional redistricting done by an independent commission; case also raises issues over jurisdiction and standing to sue
Ohio v. Clark — application of Confrontation Clause to a child’s out-of-court statement to a teacher about abuse
Tuesday, March 3:
Los Angeles v. Patel — constitutionality of local ordinance permitting police to search hotel guest lists
Chappell v. Ayala — duty of federal habeas court to defer to a state court ruling that a trial error was harmless
Wednesday, March 4:
King v. Burwell — availability of subsidies for lower-income individuals to help them afford health insurance on marketplaces operated by the federal government instead of by states