Relist Watch

on Jun 30, 2014 at 9:01 pm
John Elwood reviews Monday’s relisted cases.
The Court held its penultimate Conference before its summer recess last Thursday. Below are the cases that were relisted after that Conference, and that were considered today at a special (previously unscheduled) final Conference of the Term. The results of the June 30 Conference will be announced tomorrow morning at 9:30.
Thanks to Conor McEvily and Dmitry Slavin for compiling this update.
Cases Relisted after June 26 Conference:
[page]12-1226 [/page]
(relisted after the June 19 and June 26 Conferences)
(relisted after the June 26 Conference)
(relisted after the June 26 Conference)
(relisted after the June 12, June 19, and June 26 Conferences)
(relisted after the June 26 Conference)
(relisted after the June 12, June 19, and June 26 Conferences)
Cases Unresolved After June 26 Conference
In addition, Gevo, Inc. v. Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC, 13-1286, is unaccounted for after the June 26 Conference, but we’ve so far been unable to get papers for that case. We’ll pass along more information as soon as we have it.