Monday round-up

on Jan 6, 2014 at 9:02 am
Most of the coverage of the Court over the last few days focused on Justice Sotomayor’s December 31 order in a case involving the Little Sisters of the Poor. Sotomayor temporarily blocked the enforcement of that group’s obligation to sign a federal form that would exempt it from having to provide access to birth control as part of its employees’ health benefits. On Friday, the federal government filed its brief opposing any additional delay. Lyle Denniston covered the latest proceedings for this blog; other coverage and analysis come from Marty Lederman at Balkinization, Michael Dorf at Dorf on Law, Steven Mazie at The Economist’s Democracy in America blog, and Leland E. Beck at the Federal Regulations Advisor.
- In an op-ed for the Louisville Courier-Journal, Elizabeth Wydra urges the Justices to “focus on one simple resolution for 2014: Follow the Constitution.”
- Kara Bruce and Eric Brunstad preview two of this Term’s bankruptcy cases, Law v. Siegel and Executive Benefits Insurance Agency v. Arkison, in a video for the American Bankruptcy Institute.