Friday round-up

The Court is not scheduled to hear oral arguments again until the end of February, but coverage of this week’s oral arguments continues apace.  In a post for The Volokh Conspiracy (via The Washington Post), Orin Kerr discusses this week’s oral argument in Navarette v. California, in which the Justices are considering whether the Fourth Amendment requires police who receive an anonymous tip regarding a drunken or reckless driver to observe dangerous driving before they can stop the vehicle.  Mark Sherman also reported on the oral argument for the Associated Press, as Lyle Denniston did for this blog on Tuesday.

The Court heard oral argument on Wednesday in Paroline v. United States, in which it is considering the issue of restitution for victims of child pornography.  Lawrence Hurley reported on the argument for Reuters (via the Chicago Tribune), with other coverage coming from Adam Liptak of The New York Times and Emily Bazelon of Slate.  Richard Wolf of USA Today and Josh Gerstein of Politico cover Wednesday’s other argument, in the gun purchase case Abramski v. United States.


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