Wednesday round-up

on Nov 13, 2013 at 8:50 am
Yesterday the Court denied review in Pruitt v. Nova Health Systems, in which Oklahoma officials had asked the Court to reinstate that state’s law requiring women to be shown ultrasound images of the fetus before they can receive an abortion. Lyle Denniston reported on the order (and other orders on yesterday’s order list) for this blog, with other coverage coming from Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal and Richard Wolf of USA Today.
- The editorial board of the Boston Globe urges the Court to allow cameras in the courtroom, arguing that their “resistance to allowing cameras to broadcast its oral arguments is an anachronism. Video footage would help millions of Americans learn how the court operates, which in turn should boost confidence in the court’s integrity — not a small achievement in today’s polarized arena.”
- In The Atlantic, Garrett Epps discusses the Chief Justice’s views on federal power, suggesting that “[t]he Court, under his leadership, is the only institution to be trusted in matters of campaign finance, regulation of commerce, enforcement of the right to vote, or now, apparently, the negotiation of treaties.”
- At Mayer Brown’s Class Defense blog, Joshua Yount discusses the amicus briefs filed in support of certiorari in the firm’s challenges to class certification rulings in cases involving product defects in washing machines.