Menu of our recent coverage (Updated: 1:49 p.m.)

NEW (1:49 p.m.) I have posted a list of upcoming end-of-Term events.

NEW (11:23 a.m.) Tejinder Singh takes a look back at the Court’s activities this week.

Yesterday the Court issued four opinions.

Lyle’s post on the decision in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., the gene-patenting case, is here. He also has a “Plain English” version of that post.  Dan Stein collected Twitter reactions to the Myriad decision, as well as news stories in the evening round-up.

The Court also issued decisions in Tarrant Regional Water District v. Herrmann and United States v. Davila; we have coverage of those decisions from Thomas Merrill and Rory Little, respectively.  

NEW (11:04 a.m.) Miriam Seifter has coverage of the decision in American Trucking Associations v. Los Angeles. 

Max Mallory rounded up early coverage of yesterday’s opinions.  Allison Trzop has today’s round-up

Tom also posted some thoughts on the distribution of opinion assignments, while Lyle posted an update on the ban on protests on the Court’s plaza.

Mary Pat Dwyer has a new installment of “Petitions to watch” for next week’s Conference.


Posted in: What's Happening Now