Thursday round-up

on May 23, 2013 at 11:12 am
At this blog, Lyle Denniston discusses nine pending cert. petitions regarding new EPA rules on greenhouse gases and observes that the petitions “could either turn into one of the biggest regulatory cases the Court has had in years, or could go nowhere because of the argument that the Supreme Court has already all but resolved the dispute.” Also at this blog, Amy Howe discusses the prospect that Burnside v. Walters, in which the Court recently granted cert. to address the interpretation of 28 U.S.C. § 1915, which allows indigent plaintiffs to file their lawsuits in forma pauperis, could return to the Sixth Circuit without a ruling on the merits by the Supreme Court.
- At the Constitutional Accountability Center’s Text & History Blog, David H. Gans discusses data reflecting high voter turnout by African Americans in recent elections and argues that such data is a reason to “celebrate, not gut” Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, the constitutionality of which the Court is currently considering in Shelby County v. Holder.
- At HuffPost Live (video), Mike Sacks moderates a panel discussion on Monday’s cert. grant in Town of Greece v. Galloway, in which the Court will consider whether a legislative prayer practice violates the Establishment Clause notwithstanding the absence of discrimination in the selection of prayer-givers or forbidden exploitation of the prayer opportunity.
Disclosure: Goldstein & Russell, P.C., whose attorneys work for or contribute to this blog in various capacities, is among the counsel to Representative F. James Sensenbrenner et al., who filed an amicus brief in support of the respondent in Shelby County v. Holder.
If you have (or know of) a recent article or post that you would like to have included in the round-up, please send a link to roundup [at] so that we can consider it.