More tea leaves: Why DOMA’s demise will support Prop 8 surprise

This blog is pleased to have reactions to the oral arguments in Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor from guest contributors with a range of perspectives. This post has reactions from Michigan Solicitor General John J. Bursch. Solicitor General Bursch authored an amicus brief on behalf of Michigan in support of Dennis Hollingsworth et al.

In my previous post, I explained why the tea leaves suggest that the Supreme Court will issue a merits decision that upholds Proposition 8.  This post predicts that the Supreme Court will also reach the merits in United States v. Windsor and strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, but that in doing so, the Court will buttress its decision upholding Proposition 8.  As in the previous post, we can consider potential outcomes on a probability spectrum. 

 Highly probable:  The Court will reach the merits in Windsor

There has been ample commentary about how thoroughly the Justices grilled all counsel in Windsor about the case’s justiciability.  The number and intensity of questions have been oft interpreted to signal that the Court will not reach the merits.  But that’s not what the tea leaves say:

In sum, it appears highly probable that the Supreme Court will reach the constitutionality of DOMA Section 3.

More probable than not:  Justice Kennedy is the fifth vote for striking down DOMA Section 3

Coming into the argument, it has been widely assumed that Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor would be prepared to invalidate Section 3 of DOMA.  Questioning at argument did little to dispel that assumption.  As with the Proposition 8 dispute, the law’s fate hinges on Justice Kennedy.  And Justice Kennedy consistently expressed the view that the definition of marriage is a matter of state law, not something for the federal government to decide:

Conversely, Justice Kennedy had very little to say in support of DOMA Section 3.  The tea leaves suggest strongly that a Court majority will strike down Section 3 (though possibly on multiple grounds, as Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor may rest their votes on equal-protection principles).

More probable than not:  Justice Kennedy uses his DOMA opinion to buttress his Proposition 8 opinion.

Justice Kennedy’s comments about state power to regulate marriage – calling it “the essence of the State police power” – provide further evidence that he intends to uphold Proposition 8.  Acting as the swing vote in both cases, Justice Kennedy seems likely to leave it to the People and their elected representatives to decide what “marriage” means.  Given recent trends in the polls, this may be of small comfort to supporters of traditional marriage.  But such a pair of decisions would not constitutionalize same-sex marriage, which would also be disappointing to same-sex-marriage advocates.

Then again, these are only tea leaves.

Posted in: Merits Cases, Same-Sex Marriage