Breaking News

This week at the Court

On Friday, the Court granted two new cases from its November 30 Conference.  Lyle reported on Friday’s orders for this blog.  On Monday, the Court issued additional orders, which Lyle also covered; among other things, it called for the views of the Solicitor General in one case, and Justice Sotomayor issued an opinion dissenting from the denial of certiorari in another case. The Court did not act on the ten pending same-sex marriage petitions.

On Tuesday the Court issued one opinion.

This is the second week of the December sitting and the last week of scheduled oral arguments for 2012.

On Friday, the Court will meet for its last scheduled Conference before the winter recess. Our list of “Petitions to watch” for that Conference is here.

Recommended Citation: Kali Borkoski, This week at the Court, SCOTUSblog (Dec. 2, 2012, 7:20 PM),