Court cancels Tuesday sitting

on Oct 29, 2012 at 11:42 am
“Due to weather conditions related to Hurricane Sandy,” the Supreme Court said Monday, it has cancelled its public sitting for tomorrow, Tuesday. The cases that would have been heard then will now be heard beginning at 10 a.m. on Thursday of this week. As of now, the scheduled arguments on Wednesday will go ahead, the Court said. If any further developments affect its schedule, it will announce that on its website, the Court added.
The two cases that will go over from Tuesday to Thursday are Chaidez v. United States (11-820), on retroactivity of the decision in Padilla v. Kentucky on required legal advice to clients when they are considering guilty pleas that may lead to their deportation from the United States, and Bailey v. United States (11-770), on whether police may detain a suspect away from the site of a search for which they have a warrant, while they carry out the search.
Because of the weather, the Court planned to close its building to the public at 2 p.m. today.