Monday round-up

on Sep 17, 2012 at 9:49 am
With the official beginning of the 2012 Term just two weeks away, the weekend’s coverage of the Court focused on the Justices themselves. Michelle Smith of the Associated Press (via the Boston Globe) reports that, in a recent talk at the Roger Williams University School of Law, Justice Samuel Alito expressed frustration with the media’s coverage of Court decisions; Katie Mulvaney of the Providence Journal also has coverage. At The Washington Post, Robert Barnes covers a speech given by Justice Clarence Thomas at the National Archives, in which the Justice discussed his views on Washington, race, and the original meaning of the Constitution. Also at The Washington Post, Peter Wallsten reports that Justice Sonia Sotomayor is featured in a new ad for President Obama’s re-election campaign; the ad seeks to create support for the President in Puerto Rican communities by reminding voters of the Justice’s appointment to the Court.
The weekend’s clippings also contain coverage of Jeffrey Toobin’s newest book on the Court, The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court. Reviews of the book come from Jeffrey Rosen in The Washington Post, Repps Hudson at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Jay Strafford of the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The Minneapolis Star Tribune’s Kristin Tillotson profiles Toobin himself, while Politico and NPR publish excerpts from the book.
- At the Blog of the Legal Times, Zoe Tillman covers a recent panel on the Court that included Greg Garre, Alan Morrison, Bert Rein, Paul Smith, and Tony Mauro.
- At six o’clock tonight, Thomson Reuters will host a discussion featuring Justice Antonin Scalia and Professor Bryan Garner on their new book, Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts. The event will be streamed live on YouTube and can be accessed via this link.