Thursday round-up

on Aug 30, 2012 at 9:07 am
Tuesday’s decision by a three-judge U.S. District Court in Washington to deny preclearance for Texas’s new election maps continues to draw coverage. Greg Abbott, the Attorney General of Texas, has promised to appeal immediately to the Supreme Court, as Lyle reported for this blog yesterday. Further coverage comes from Tom Schoenberg and Laurel Brubaker Calkins of Bloomberg, David G. Savage of the Los Angeles Times, Robert Barnes of The Washington Post, Manny Fernandez of The New York Times, Gary Martin and Gary Scharrer of the Houston Chronicle, Chuck Lindell of the Austin American-Statesman, Terry Frieden of CNN, Paul J. Weber of the Associated Press, and Drew Singer of Reuters.
- Lyle Denniston has a new entry in this blog’s “Made Simple” series, explaining the issues involved in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, next Term’s case on affirmative action in undergraduate admissions at public universities.
- John Gibeau reviews the same-sex marriage cases now pending at the Court in the latest issue of the ABA Journal.
- Also in the ABA Journal, Bryan A. Garner has an interview with Justice Kagan, focusing on her writing. The full transcript is available here.
- Richard Posner reviews Justice Scalia and Bryan Garner’s latest book for The New Republic, while Donald B. Rivkin Jr. reviews the book for The Wall Street Journal.
- Yesterday, while answering questions on Reddit, President Obama suggested that he would support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC. Michael O’Brien has further coverage for NBC News.