Thursday round-up

on Aug 9, 2012 at 8:51 am
- In an interview with Joan Biskupic for Reuters, Justice Ginsburg revealed that she fractured two ribs after a fall in early June. The Justice continued to follow her normal work schedule after the injury, and says she remains committed to staying on the Court for at least three more years.
- At the Opinionator blog of The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse discusses the Court’s role in the success of Title IX and its more recent reluctance to find implied private rights of action in similar statutes.
- This blog’s symposium on the Supreme Court and the Election continues with a contribution from Nan Aron of the Alliance for Justice Action Campaign.
- At CNN, Laura Moye of Amnesty International’s USA Death Penalty Abolition Campaign responds to Texas’s recent execution of Marvin Wilson, whose IQ was sixty-one. (Conor had more coverage of the execution in yesterday’s round-up.)
- Over at the Crime and Consequences blog, Kent Scheidegger notes that the Court refused to stay the execution of Daniel Wayne Cook, who was convicted of raping and murdering two co-workers in 1987. The Associated Press and Reuters also have coverage of the execution.
- Douglas A. Berman of the Sentencing Law and Policy blog reports on a Florida case which “spotlights an on-going struggle for state courts” to follow the Court’s decision in Graham v. Florida, which prohibited sentences of life without parole for juveniles convicted of crimes other than murder.
- Matthew J. Franck of the National Review’s Bench Memos blog discusses a recent essay in Public Discourse by Michael Stokes Paulsen, explaining that the essay has persuaded him that the Chief Justice’s opinion in the health care cases was correct.
- Howard Fischer of Capitol Media Services (via the Arizona Daily Star) has coverage of three amicus briefs filed yesterday in Brewer v. Diaz, in which the governor of Arizona is asking the Court to decide whether the state can take away health care and other benefits from the domestic partners of its gay employees. (Lyle reported on the petition when it was filed last month.)