Tuesday round-up

on Jul 24, 2012 at 9:47 am
Yesterday the Court released the oral argument for its first two sittings next Term – the October sitting, which begins on October 1, and the November sitting, which will begin on October 29. Lyle Denniston discussed the argument calendars, as well as the issues at stake in the October and November cases, for this blog.
Elsewhere, commentators discuss the Court’s recent Second Amendment rulings in light of the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. Mike Dorf of Dorf on Law explains how the decisions in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago echo the joint dissent in the health care cases: “[A]lthough Heller and McDonald were the culmination of a movement of people who thought guns would make people safe, when translated from the language of conservative political activism into the originalist language of conservative jurisprudence, they lost most of their juice.”
And finally, others turn their attention to the Justices themselves. At The Wall Street Journal Law Blog, Jess Bravin has excerpts from interviews with both Justice Scalia and his co-author, Bryan Garner, on their new legal writing book; at the same blog, Bravin also reports on the Justice’s connection to the late author David Foster Wallace. At Non Curat Lex, Kyle Graham surveys documents from the Reagan Presidential Library relating to the nomination of Justice Kennedy to the Court. And the Associated Press (via Arizona Capitol Times) reports on a speech by Justice O’Connor in Arizona for the launch of a nonpartisan initiative aimed at increasing voter registration in that state.
- The Green Bag has released a commemorative bobblehead doll of Justice Ginsburg.
- At Law.com, Meghin Delaney reflects on the legacy of the Court’s 2011 decision in Wal-Mart v. Dukes.
- At the Boston Globe’s White Coat Notes blog, Chelsea Conaboy discusses some of the questions raised by the Court’s holding on the Medicaid expansion issue in the health care cases.