Petitions to watch | Conference of September 24, 2012

on Jul 26, 2012 at 1:33 pm
The Court is currently in its summer recess; it is scheduled to resume oral arguments in October. It does not have any Conferences scheduled until the September 24, 2012 Conference, when the Justices will formally be back at work and will select cases from the summer lists for review during the October 2012 Term. Because our list of “Petitions to watch” for that Conference will be quite large, we will feature the petitions in installments over the next few months. This set of petitions includes such issues as mental illness and the excessive use of force by police, substantive due process rights for the civilly committed, the “routine booking” exception to Miranda v. Arizona, the private right of action for treble damages in antitrust actions, and personal jurisdiction over foreign corporations.
This edition of “Petitions to watch” features petitions raising issues that Tom has determined to have a reasonable chance of being granted, although we post them here without consideration of whether they present appropriate vehicles in which to decide those issues.
Cases involving lawyers from Goldstein & Russell (listed without regard to the likelihood of being granted):