353 books by Supreme Court Justices (UPDATED 11/7/12)

on Mar 12, 2012 at 10:13 am
In December 1833, the American Monthly Review commented on a newly published book by Joseph Story. By that time the fifty-four-year-old Supreme Court Justice had written or edited some twelve books. These works included a treatise on bills of exchange, a treatise on pleading, yet another on pleading and assumpsit, commentaries on the law of bailments, a biography, and even a book of poetry titled The Power of Solitude: A Poem in Two Parts. And he had a new work, a three-volume set with a long title: Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, Before the Adoption of the Constitution. Of this book, the American Monthly reviewer wrote:
[T]he work is a rare union of patience, brilliancy, and acuteness, and . . . [contains] all the learning on the Constitution brought down to the latest period, so as to be invaluable to the lawyer, statesman, politician, and in fine, to every citizen who aims to have a knowledge of the great Charter under which he lives.
That review was among the first of many such laudatory reviews of a treatise that went on to become canonical in the history of American constitutional law. Before he died in 1845, Joseph Story published another twenty-one books after his Commentaries.
Story’s literary accomplishments notwithstanding, he was not the most prolific – that honor goes to Justice William O. Douglas. This son of a Scottish Presbyterian minister, and former law professor and SEC chairman, wrote fifty-one books on a wide variety of topics ranging from foreign policy to psychiatry, from corporate reorganization to environmentalism, and from stare decisis to manifest destiny. If nothing else, Douglas was prolific. In 1958 alone, five works were published under his name, and then in 1960 and 1961 he published four different books for each of those respective years. And then there was Justice Joseph Story, who had thirty-three books under his byline, followed by William Howard Taft, the onetime President and later Chief Justice, who published some thirty-one books.
SCOTUSblog is pleased to post a listing of all the books written or edited by the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. So far as books by Justices are concerned, this new offering is more refined, extensive, and current than what had appeared previously in Fenton Martin and Robert Goehlert’s The U.S. Supreme Court: A Bibliography (Congressional Quarterly, 1990), which used slightly different selection criterion (e.g., they include titles for which a Justice wrote only a preface, introduction, or chapter).
The tally of 353 represents our best current calculation of the total number of titles as opposed to volumes, since some titles were multi-volume works. Additionally, this tally pertains only to books (as opposed to separately printed reports, opinions, articles, etc.) published during the Justices’ lifetimes. Hence, posthumous collections, such as The Selected Papers of John Jay (2010) are not counted. An exception was made for memoirs or diaries written during a Justice’s lifetime but published posthumously, as in the case of The Memoirs of Earl Warren (1977) and From the Diaries of Felix Frankfurter (1975). But if the work of a Justice was collected and compiled by another, even if it was during the Justice’s lifetime, I have not included such works in my total tally, though I have included these works [in brackets] in the supplementary list following the main entries. One such example is [The Public Papers of Chief Justice Earl Warren (1959, 1966) edited by Henry M. Christman]. Likewise, the final tally does not include collections of Supreme Court opinions by a Justice – for example, Dispassionate Justice: A Synthesis of the Judicial Opinions of Robert H. Jackson (1969) (being a sampling of his judicial opinions). Here again, I tried to list (with brackets) as many of such works as I could.
A rare few books that were written by a Justice but discovered long after he died are included in the total tally as in the case of Robert Jackson’s That Man: An Insider’s Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt (2003). By contrast, a number of the listings, such as those of the works of William Howard Taft, include books written before a Justice came onto the Court and pertain to matters other than law or the judiciary.
As with all matters of judicial interpretation, there are matters of nuance and construction. For example, for our purposes, what constitutes a book? Does any monograph count? I took the liberty of saying “yes” as in, for example, James F. Byrnes’s The Supreme Court Must Be Curbed (1956), unless the monograph was particularly short, as in the case of William Howard Taft’s eight-page work The Obligations of Victory (1918) or his twenty-four-page work The Progressive World Struggle of the Jews for Civil Equality (1919).
Similarly, what does it mean to say that a book is by a Justice? For example, do all edited books count? What about Oliver Wendell Holmes’s editing of Kent’s Commentaries on American Law (12th ed., 1873)? Here, too, I included it in my tabulation. Or what about Justices who compiled works such as those collected by Samuel Blatchford in Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit (1852-88) (24 vols.)? Though it is a tougher call, I elected to include such books in my tabulation, although only as a single entry. I did not, however, include mere forewords or introductions by Justices to a work that was otherwise done entirely by another. With the exception of memoirs published posthumously, I did not include in the tally, as indicated above, collections of writings compiled and published after a Justice’s lifetime as in the case of The Essential Holmes: Selections from the Letters, Speeches, Judicial Opinions, and Other Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (Richard Posner, ed., 1997). Additionally, the compilation below does not include reports on the Justices’ confirmation hearings – for example, Nomination of Sandra Day O’Connor: Hearings Before the Judiciary of the United States (Sept. 9-11, 1981).
Note: The parenthetical dates following each author’s name refer to his or her tenure on the Court. And again, all bracketed references are not included the total tally since they do not meet our selection criterion. Still, I thought it best to include them for general reference purposes.
As one might expect, not all of the Chief Justices or Justices of the Court wrote books. Forty-five of its members fall into that category. (That count also includes current members of the Court such as John Roberts, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor, though the latter has recently signed a contract to write a book.)
In his book We The Judges (1956), Justice William O. Douglas wrote: “Books must serve as powerful agencies of social, economic, or political reform. They may enable us to get a keener insight into our society and its problems.” Indeed. And as the compilation below reveals, the range of the Justices’ interests was by no means confined to matters pertaining to law. For example, some of the more noteworthy books by Justices concern the Civil War, such as the following:
- Salmon Portland Chase, How the South Rejected Compromise in the Peace Conference of 1861 (1863)
- John Archibald Campbell, Reminiscences and Documents Relating to the Civil War During the Year 1865 (1887)
- William O. Douglas, Mr. Lincoln & the Negroes: The Long Road to Equality (1963)
- William Rehnquist, Civil Liberty and the Civil War (1997)
Similarly, some of the Justices were keenly interested and wrote works on religion and related topics:
- David J. Brewer, The United States a Christian Nation (1905)
- Louis Dembitz Brandeis, The Jewish Problem, How to Solve It (1915 & 1919)
- William H. Taft, The Religious Convictions of an American Citizen (1916)
- William H. Taft, Anti-Semitism in the United States (1920)
- Benjamin N. Cardozo, Values (1944)
Yet other Justices had interests in law and medicine:
- Benjamin N. Cardozo, What Medicine Can Do for Law (1930)
- William O. Douglas, Law and Psychiatry (1956)
As for constitutional law, the Justices’ interests in this subject were likewise varied:
- Henry Baldwin, A General View of the Origin and Nature of the Constitution and Government of the United States, Deduced from the Political History and Condition of the Colonies and States, From 1774 until 1788. And the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Together with Opinions in the Cases Decided at January Term, 1837, Arising on the Restraints on the Powers of the States (1837)
- Samuel Freeman Miller, Lectures on the Constitution of the United States (1891)
- William H. Taft, Liberty Under Law, An Interpretation of the Principles of Our Constitutional Government (1922)
- Robert Houghwout Jackson, Full Faith and Credit, the Lawyer’s Clause of the Constitution (1945)
- Hugo L. Black, A Constitutional Faith (1968)
Certain other works dealt with obscure matters or issues of foreign law, such as the following:
- John Marshall Harlan, Manning the Dikes; Some Comments on the Statutory Certiorari Jurisdiction and Jurisdictional Statement Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1958)
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, A Selective Survey of English Language Studies on Scandinavian Law (1970)
- Stephen G. Breyer, Energy Regulation by the Federal Power Commission (1974)
Yet other works that caught my attention, for various reasons, include the following works:
- William H. Taft & William J. Bryan, World Peace: A Written Debate between William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryan (1917)
- James F. Byrnes, The Supreme Court Must Be Curbed (1956)
- Clarence Thomas, Why Black Americans Should Look to Conservative Policies (1987)
- Samuel Alito et al., The RICO Racket (1989)
- Anthony M. Kennedy, The Constitution and the Spirit of Freedom (1990)
- Stephen G. Breyer, Judicial Activism: Power Without Responsibility? (2005)
I am much indebted, first and foremost, to Emily Shepard Smith, whose assistance was substantial and invaluable and who worked tirelessly to check and recheck countless listings. My thanks go out as well to Grace Feldman and Mary Whisner, also of the University of Washington School of Law Gallagher Law Library. And I wish to thank Tom Goldstein and Amy Howe for their general support in this project. Some of the updating for this compilation was done by reliance on WordCat searches, which were updated up to March 7, 2012.
There may be occasions in the future when it becomes necessary to revise or expand this compilation. In that regard, comments or corrections are, of course, welcome.
In all of this, my hope is that this work will benefit scholars, lawyers, judges, professors, students, and anyone else interested in the Supreme Court and the work of its members.
[Last compilation date: 11/7/2012]
Chief Justices
Jay, John. (October 19, 1789 - June 29, 1795)
Jay, John, An Address to the People of the State of New York on the Subject of the Constitution, Agreed Upon in Philadelphia, September 17, 1787. NY: S. & J. Loudon, 1788.
— 2: Letters, Being the Whole of the Correspondence between the Hon. John Jay, Esq. and Mr. Lewis Littlepage: A Young Man with Whom Mr. Jay, When in Spain, Patronized, and Took into His Family. NY: F. Childs, 1786.
— 3: et al. The Federalist: A Collection of Essays Written in Favour of the New Constitution. NY: J. and A. McLean, 1788. (2 vols.)
[Jay, John. The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay. Edited by Henry P. Johnson, NY: Putnam’s, 1890-1893. (4 vols.)
[Jay, John, et al. The Selected Papers of John Jay. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2010.]
[Jay, John. Unpublished Correspondence of William Livingston and John Jay. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society. 1934.]
Rutledge, John. (August 12, 1795 – December 15, 1795)
Rutledge, John, et al. Acts of the General Assembly of South-Carolina, Passed in September and October 1776. Charles-Town, SC: Peter Timothy, 1776.
Ellsworth, Oliver. (March 8, 1796 – December 15, 1800)
Marshall, John. (February 4, 1801 – July 6, 1835)
Marshall, John. The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces. Philadelphia: C.P. Wayne, 1804-07. (5 vols.)
— 2: et al. Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity of the State of North Carolina from the Year 1789 to the Year 1806. Halifax: Abraham Hodge, 1806. (2 vols.)
— 3: A History of the Colonies Planted by the English on the Continent of North America From Their Settlement to the Commencement of That War Which Terminated in Their Independence. Philadelphia: A. Small, 1824.
[The Writings of John Marshall: Late Chief Justice of the United States, upon the Federal Constitution. Boston: J. Munroe and Company, 1839.]
[Marshall, John, John Marshall: Complete Constitutional Decisions. Chicago: Callaghan & Company, 1903. Edited with annotations historical, critical and legal, by John M. Dillon.]
[Marshall, John, The Constitutional Decisions of John Marshall. NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1905. Edited, with an introductory essay, by Joseph P. Cotton, Jr.]
[Marshall, John. The Political and Economic Doctrines of John Marshall, who for Thirty-four Years Was Chief Justice of the United States, and Also His Letters, Speeches, and Hitherto Unpublished and Uncollected Writings. Edited by John E. Oster. NY: Neale Publishing Company, 1914.]
[Marshall, John. An autobiographical sketch by John Marshall; written at the request of Joseph Story and now printed for the first time from the original manuscriptpreserved at the William L. Clements Library, together with a letter from Chief Justice Marshall to Justice Story relating thereto. Edited by John Stokes Adams. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1937.]
[The Papers of John Marshall. Edited by Herbert A. Johnson et al. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1974-2006. (12 vols.)]
[Marshall, John. Papers of John Marshall. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969. (2 vols.)]
[Maxims of Democracy: Three Speeches by John Marshall at the Virginia Convention Debating the Ratification of the Federal Constitution, 1788. Richmond, Va.: John Marshall Foundation, 2007 (24 pp.) . Edited with introduction by Marshall Lee Smith.]
[John Marshall and George Washington, Great & Interesting Events: Private Correspondence of George Washington and John Marshall: Regarding the U.S. Mission to France, 1796-1798. Richmond, Va.: John Marshall Foundation, 2009.
[Marshall, John. John Marshall: Writings. New York, NY: Library of America, 2010.]
[Gerald Gunther, editor, John Marshall’s Defense of McCulloch v. Maryland. Palo Alto: CA: Stanford University Press, 1969)]
Taney, Roger Brooke. (March 28, 1836 – October 12, 1864)
Taney, Roger Brooke, The Case of Dred Scott in the United States Supreme Court. The Full opinions of Chief Justice Taney and Justice Curtis, and Abstracts of the Opinions of the Other Judges; with an Analysis of the Points Ruled, and Some Concluding Observations. New York: The Tribune Association, 1860.
[Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney, LL.D., Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. By Samuel Tyler. pp. 17-95 written by Justice Taney. Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1872]
Chase, Salmon Portland. (December 15, 1864 – May 7, 1873)
Chase, Salmon Portland. A Sketch of the History of Ohio. Cincinnati: Corey and Fairbank, 1833.
— 2: ed. The Statutes of Ohio and of the Northwestern Territory, Adopted or Enacted from 1788 to 1833 Inclusive. Cincinnati: Corey & Fairbank, 1833-35.
— 3: How the South Rejected Compromise in the Peace Conference of 1861. NY: W.C. Bryant & Co., 1863.
— 4: How the South Rejected Compromise in the Peace Conference of 1861. NY: W.C. Bryant & Co., 1863.
[John Nevin, ed., The Salmon P. Chase Papers. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1993-1998 (5 vols.).]
[James P. McClure, Peg A. Lamphier & Erika M. Krege, eds., “Spur up Your Pegasus”: Family Letters of Salmon, Kate, and Nettie Chase, 1844-1873. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2009.]
Waite, Morrison Remick. (March 4, 1874 – March 23, 1888)
[Waite, Morrison R. The Orations of Chief Justice Waite and of William Henry Rawle on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the Bronze Statue of Chief Justice Marshall at Washington, May 10, 1884. Chicago: T.H. Flood, 1900.]
Fuller, Melville Weston. (October 8, 1888 – July 4, 1910)
Fuller, Melville Weston. Address in Commemoration of the Inauguration of George Washington as First President of the United States: Delivered before the Two Houses of Congress December 11, 1889. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1890.
— 2: ed. The Professions. Boston: Hall and Locke, 1911.
[Montgomery N. Kosma & Ross E. Davies, eds. Fuller & Washington at Centuries’ Ends. Washington, DC: Green Bag Press, 1999. (72 pp.)]
White, Edward Douglass. (December 19, 1910 – May 19, 1921)
White, Edward Douglass. The New Regime in Louisiana. Economy and Reform in Legislation and Administration Under Governor Nicholls. Washington, DC: J.L. Ginck, 1878.
Taft, William Howard. (July 11, 1921 – February 3, 1930)
Taft, William H. Four Aspects of Civil Duty. NY: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1906.
— 2: The Army of the Republic. Sewanee, TN: The University Press, 1906.
— 3: Missions and Civilization. NY: F.H. Revell, 1908.
— 4: Present Day Problems; A Collection of Addresses Delivered on Various Occasions. NY: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1908.
— 5: Four Aspects of Civic Duty. NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1908.
— 6. Political Issues and Outlooks; Speeches Delivered Between August, 1908 and February, 1909. NY: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909.
— 7. Presidential Addresses and State Papers. NY: Doubleday, 1910.
— 8: The Dawn of World Peace. NY: American Association for International Conciliation, 1911.
— 9: Popular Government; Its Essence, Its Permanence and Its Perils. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1913.
— 10: The United States and Peace. NY: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1914.
— 11: The Anti-trust Act and the Supreme Court. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1914.
— 12: Ethics in Service. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1915.
— 13: United States Supreme Court the Prototype of a World Court. Baltimore, MD: American Society for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes, 1915.
— 14: et al. Washington, the Nation’s Capital. Washington, DC: The National Geographic Society, 1915.
— 15: Taft, William H. The President and His Powers. New York: Columbia University Press, 1916.
— 16: The Presidency, Its Duties, Its Powers, Its Opportunities and Its Limitations; Three Lectures. NY: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1916.
— 17: The Functions of the Executive. Philadelphia: The Law Academy, 1916.
— 18: Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers. NY: Columbia University Press, 1916.
— 19: The Religious Convictions of an American Citizen. Boston, MA: American Unitarian Association, 1916.
— 20: The Menace of a Premature Peace. NY: League to Enforce Peace, 1917.
— 21: The Treaty Rights of Aliens. NY: American Association for International Conciliation, 1917.
— 22: World Peace: A Written Debate Between William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryan. NY: The Press Forum, 1917.
— 23: and William J. Bryan. World Peace: A Written Debate between William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryan. NY: Doran, 1917.
— 24: The Obligations of Victory. NY: League to Enforce Peace, 1918.
— 25: Why a League of Nations is Necessary. NY: League to Enforce Peace, 1918.
— 26: Anti-Semitism in the United States. Chicago: Anti-Defamation League, 1920.
— 27: Taft Papers on League of Nations. Theodore Marburg & Horace Flack, editors. NY: Macmillan, 1920.
— 28: Representative Government in the United States. NY: The NY University Press, 1921.
— 29: Liberty Under Law, An Interpretation of the Principles of Our Constitutional Government. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1922.
— 30: et al., ed. Service With Fighting Men: An Account of the Work of the American Young Men’s Christian Associations in the World War. NY: Association Press, 1922-24. (2 vols.)
— 31: Address at Dedication of Alphonso Taft Hall. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 1925.
[William Howard Taft: Collected Editorials, 1917-1921. James Vivian, editor. NY: Prager, 1990]
[Presidential Messages to Congress. David Henry Burton, editor. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2002] [Ron: this was one of the titles that is part of the 8 volume collected works; I didn’t see that this collection had been previously published.]
[Taft, William H. Essential Writings and Addresses. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2009]
[My Dearest Nellie: The Letters of William Howard Taft to Helen Herron Taft, 1909-1912. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2011]
Hughes, Charles Evans. (February 24, 1930 – June 30, 1941)
Charles Evans Hughes, Addresses and Papers of Charles Evans Hughes, Governor of New York, 1906-1908. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1908. Introduction by Jacob Gould Schurman.
— 2: Conditions of Progress in Democratic Government. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1910.
— 3: Addresses of Charles Evans Hughes, 1906-1916. 2d ed. NY: Putnam’s, 1916.
— 4: The Permanent Court of International Justice: An Address. Washington, DC: Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1923.
— 5: Foreign Relations. Chicago: Republican National Committee, 1924.
— 6: Liberty and Law. Baltimore: Lord Baltimore Press, 1925.
— 7: The Pathway of Peace. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1925.
— 8: Our Relations to the Nations of the Western Hemisphere. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1928.
— 9: The Supreme Court of the United States; its Foundation, Methods and Achievements, an Interpretation. NY: Columbia University Press, 1928.
— 10: Pan American Peace Plans. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1929.
— 11: The Organization and Methods of the Permanent Court of International Justice. NY: Pandick Press, 1930.
[Hughes, Charles Evan. The Autobiographical Notes of Charles Evans Hughes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973. (original notes edited and published after his death)]
Stone, Harlan Fiske. (July 3, 1941 – April 22, 1946)
Stone, Harlan Fiske. Law and Its Administration. NY: Columbia University Press, 1915.
[Public Control of Business: Selected Opinions by Harlan Fiske Stone. New York: Howell, Soskin, 1940. Edited by Alfred Lief.]
Vinson, Fred Moore. (June 24, 1946 – September 8, 1953)
Warren, Earl. (October 5, 1953 – June 23, 1969)
Warren, Earl. Hughes and the Court. Hamilton, NY: Colgate University, 1962.
— 2: All Men are Created Equal. NY: Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1970.
— 3: The Alternative is Chaos. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University, 1970.
— 4: A Republic, If You Can Keep It. NY: Quadrangle Books, 1972.
— 5: The Memoirs of Earl Warren. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977. [written before his death, published posthumously]
[Henry M. Christman, ed. The Public Papers of Chief Justice Earl Warren. NY: Capricorn Books, 1959, 1966]
Burger, Warren Earl. (June 23, 1969 – September 26, 1986)
Burger, Warren E. For Whom the Bell Tolls, Remarks . . . Association of the Bar of the City of New York, February 17, 1970.
— 2: Remarks at Federal Bar Council Law Day Dinner, May 3, 1971. NY: Federal Bar Council, 1971.
— 3: The Constitution: Foundation of Our Freedom. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990.
— 4: Delivery of Justice: Proposals for Changes to Improve the Administration of Justice. St. Paul, MN: West, 1990.
— 5: The Bill of Rights: America’s Guarantee of Human Rights: The World’s Example of Freedom. NY: Thornwillow Press, 1993.
— 6: It Is So Ordered: A Constitution Unfolds. NY: W. Morrow and Co., 1995.
Rehnquist, William H. (September 26, 1986 – September 3, 2005)
Rehnquist, William H. The Supreme Court: How It Was, How It Is. NY: W. Morrow, 1987.
— 2: All the Laws But One: Civil Liberties in Wartime. NY: Knopf, 1998.
— 3: Grand Inquests; The Historic Impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson. NY: Morrow, 1992.
— 4: Civil Liberty and the Civil War. Washington, DC: National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 1997.
— 5: The Supreme Court. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001.
— 6: Centennial Crisis: The Disputed Election of 1876. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.
Given the brevity of the following two works, they were not listed as books.
[William H. Rehnquist, Daniel Webster and the Oratorical Tradition. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College, 1989 (31 pages), Keynote Address by the Chief Justice of the United States, delivered May 12, 1989, at Dartmouth College, within a celebration of the completion of “The Papers of Daniel Webster.” Introduction by James O. Freedman.]
[William H. Rehnquist, The American Constitutional Experience: Stress and Strain among the Three Branches of Government. University of London, Institute of United States Studies, 2000 (20 pages), part of James Bryce lecture on the American Commonwealth.]
Roberts, John G. (September 29, 2005 – Present)
Associate Justices
Rutledge, John. (February 15, 1790 – March 5, 1791)
See entry under Chief Justices.
Cushing, William. (February 2, 1790 – September 13, 1810)
Wilson, James. (October 5, 1789 – August 21, 1798)
Wilson, James. Considerations on the Nature and the Extend of the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament. (Philadelphia: William & Thomas Bradford, 1774).
— 2: Considerations on the Bank of North-America. (Philadelphia: Hall and Sellers, 1785).
— 3: An Introductory Lecture to a Course of Law Lectures. Philadelphia: T. Dobson, 1791.
— 4: et al. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States of America. (London: J. Debrett, 1792).
[Wilson, James. Works. Philadelphia: Lorenzo Press, 1804.]
[Wilson, James. Selected Political Essays of James Wilson. Edited by Randolph Adams. New York: Knopf, 1930.]
[Wilson, James. Works of James Wilson. Edited by Robert G. McCloskey. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967.]
[Collected works of James Wilson. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2007. Edited and with an introduction by Kermit L. Hall with a Bibliographical Essay by Mark David Hall; collected by Maynard Garrison.]
Blair, John. (February 2, 1790 – October 25, 1795)
Iredell, James. (May 12, 1790 – October 20, 1799)
Iredell, James. Answers to Mr. Mason’s Objections to the New Constitution, Recommended by the Late Convention. Newbern, NC: Hodge and Wills, 1788.
— 2: Laws of the State of North-Carolina. Edenton, NC: Hodge & Wills, 1791.
[James Iredell, Reports of cases in Equity Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Raleigh: Turner and Hughes, 1841-1852.]
[Iredell, James. The Papers of James Iredell. Edited by Don Higgenbotham. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Archives and History, 1976.]
Johnson, Thomas. (August 6, 1792 – January 16, 1793)
Paterson, William. (March 11, 1793 – September 9, 1806)
William Paterson. Laws of the State of New Jersey, Revised and Published Under the Authority of the Legislature. (Newark, NJ: M. Day, 1800).
Chase, Samuel. (February 4, 1796 – June 19, 1811)
Washington, Bushrod. (February 4, 1799 – November 26, 1829)
Washington, Bushrod. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. (Richmond: T. Nicholson, 1798-99. (2 vols.))
— 2: et al. A General Index to the Virginia Law Authorities. (Richmond: John Warrock, 1819)
— 3: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia, (2d ed. Philadelphia: A. Small, 1823. (2 vols.))
— 4: et al. Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Third Circuit Comprising the Districts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Commencing at April Term, 1803. Philadelphia: P.H. Nicklin, 1826. (4 vols.)
Moore, Alfred. (April 21, 1800 – January 26, 1804)
Johnson, William. (May 7, 1804 – August 4, 1834)
Johnson, William. An Oration, Delivered in St. Philip’s Church, Before the Inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina, On Saturday the Fourth on July, 1812 in Commemoration of American Independence. Charleston: W.P. Young, 1813.
— 2: Nugae Georgicae: An Essay. Charleston: J. Hoff, 1815.
— 3: Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, Major General of the Armies of the United States, In the War of the Revolution. Charleston: A.E. Miller, 1822. (2 vols.)
— 4: Eulogy on Thomas Jefferson. Charleston: Sebring, 1826.
Livingston, Henry Brockholst. (January 20, 1807 – March 18, 1823)
Livingston, Brockholst. Democracy, An Epic Poem. NY: Printed for the Author, 1794. [published as Democracy: An Epic Poem by Aquiline Nimble-Chops, Democrat; attributed to Livingston]
Todd, Thomas. (May 4, 1807 – February 7, 1826)
Duvall, Gabriel. (November 23, 1811 – January 14, 1835)
Story, Joseph. (February 3, 1812 – September 10, 1845)
Story, Joseph. An Eulogy on General George Washington; Written at the Request of the Inhabitants of Marblehead, and Delivered Before Them on the Second Day of January, A.D., 1800. Salem: Joshua Cushing, 1800.
— 2: The Power of Solitude A Poem in Two Parts. Boston: John Russell, 1800.
— 3: A Selection of Pleadings in Civil Actions; Subsequent to the Declaration; With Occasional Annotations on the Law of Pleading. Salem: B. Macanulty, 1805.
— 4: et al. A Practical Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Checks on Bankers, Promissory Notes, Bankers’ Case Notes, and Bank Notes. Boston: Ferrand, Mallory, 1809.
— 5: et al. A Practical Treatise on Pleading, In Assumpsit. Boston: J.W. Burditt, 1811.
— 6: Sketch of the Life of Samuel Dexter. Boston: J. Eliot, 1816.
— 7: A Discourse Pronounced Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1826.
— 8: et al. Public and General Statutes Passed by the Congress of the United States of America From 1789 to 1847 Inclusive, Whether Expired, Repealed, or in Force: Arranged in Chronological Order, With Marginal References, and a Copious Index: To Which is Added the Constitution of the United States, and an Appendix. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1827-1848. (5 vols.)
— 9: A Discourse Pronounced Upon the Inauguration of the Author, as Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Walkins, 1829.
— 10: A Selection of Pleadings in Civil Actions With Occasional Annotations. 2d ed. Boston: Carter and Hendee, 1829.
— 11: Address Delivered on the Dedication of the Cemetery at Mount Auburn, September 24, 1831. Boston: Joseph T. & Edwin Buckingham, 1831
— 12: Commentaries on the Law of Bailments, With Illustrations From the Civil and the Foreign Law. Cambridge, MA: Hilliard and Brown, 1832.
— 13: Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, Before the Adoption of the Constitution. Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Co., 1833. (3 vols.)
— 14: Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, in Regard to Contracts, Rights, and Remedies, and Especially in Regard to Marriages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments. Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Co., 1834.
— 15: The Constitutional Class Book Being a Brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States: Designed for the Use of the Higher Classes in Common Schools. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, 1834.
— 16: A Discourse Upon the Life, Character, and Services of the Honorable John Marshall, LL.D., Chief Justice of the United States of America. Boston: J. Munroe and Co., 1835.
— 17: A Discourse on the Past History, Present State, and Future Prospects of the Law. Edinburgh: T. Clark, 1835.
— 18: The Miscellaneous Writings: Literary, Critical, Juridical, and Political of Joseph Story, Now First Collected. Boston: J. Munroe and company, 1835.
— 19: A Discourse upon the Life, Character and Services of the Honorable John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States of America. Boston: James Monroe & Co., 1835.
— 20: Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, As Administered in England and America. Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co., 1836. (2 vols.)
— 21: Commentaries on Equity Pleadings, and the Incidents Thereto According to the Practice of the Courts of Equity of England and America. London: A. Maxwell, 1838.
— 22: Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, As Administered in England and America. 2d ed. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1839. (2 vols.)
Note: There are 13 editions of Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, As Administered in England and America, only two of which are listed here.
— 23: Commentaries on the Law of Agency As a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence, With Occasional Illustrations From the Civil and Foreign Law. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1839.
— 24: Commentaries on Equity Pleadings, and the Incidents Thereof According to the Practice of the Courts of Equity of England and America. 2d ed. Boston: C.C. Little & J. Brown, 1840.
— 25: A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States: Containing a Brief Commentary on Every Clause Explaining the True Nature, Reasons, and Objects Thereof; Designed for the Use of School Libraries and General Reader; With an Appendix Containing Important Public Documents, Illustrative of the Constitution. Boston: Marsh, Capen, Lyon and Webb, 1840.
— 26: Commentaries on the Law of Bailments, With Illustrations From the Civil and the Foreign Law. 2d ed. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1840.
— 27: Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic in Regard to Contracts, Rights and Remedies, and Especially in Regard to Marriages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments. 2d ed. Boston: C.C. Little & J. Brown, 1841.
— 28: Commentaries on the Law of Partnership as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence, With Occasional Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1841.
— 29: Commentaries on the Law of Bailments, With Illustrations From the Civil and the Foreign Law. 3d ed. Boston: Little & Brown, 1843.
— 30: Commentaries on the Law of Bills and Exchange, Foreign and Inland, As Administered in England and America; With Occasional Illustrations from the Commercial Law of the Nations of Continental Europe. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1843.
— 31: Commentaries on Equity Pleadings, and the Incidents Thereof According to the Practice of the Courts of Equity of England and America. 3d ed. Boston: C.C. Little & J. Brown, 1844.
— 32: Commentaries on the Law of Agency As a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence, With Occasional Illustrations From the Civil and Foreign Law. 2d ed. Boston: C.C. Little & J. Brown, 1844.
— 33. Commentaries on the Law of Promissory Notes, and Guaranties of Notes, and Checks on Banks and Bankers, With Occasional Illustrations From the Commercial Law of the Nations of Continental Europe. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1845.
[Life and Letters of Joseph Story … ed. by his son, William. Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1851. (2 vols.) (Includes a previously unpublished autobiographical letter to his son.)]
[Story, Joseph. Miscellaneous Writings of Joseph Story. Edited by William W. Story. Boston: Little, Brown, 1852.]
[Story, Joseph. Joseph Story: A Collection of Writings by and about an Eminent American Jurist. Edited by Mortimer D. Schwartz and John C. Hogan. New York: Oceana Publications, 1959.]
[Joseph Story and the Encyclopedia Americana. Clark, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange, 2006. Introduction by Morris L. Cohen, edited by Valerie L. Horowitz.]
Thompson, Smith. (September 1, 1823 – December 18, 1843)
Trimble, Robert. (June 16, 1826 – August 25, 1828)
McLean, John. (January 11, 1830 – April 4, 1861)
McLean, John. An Eulogy on the Character and Public Services of James Monroe, Late President of the United States. Cincinnati: Looker and Reynolds, 1831.
— 2: Reports of Cases Argued and Decided in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Seventh Circuit [McLean’s Reports]. Cincinnati: E. Morgan, 1840-1856. (6 vols.)
[McLean, John. Letters of John McLean to John Teesdale. Edited by William Salter. Oberlin, OH: Bibliotheca Sacra, 1899.]
Baldwin, Henry. (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844)
Baldwin, Henry. A General View of the Origin and Nature of the Constitution and Government of the United States, Deduced from the Political History and Condition of the Colonies and States, From 1774 until 1788. And the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Together with Opinions in the Cases Decided at January Term, 1837, Arising on the Restraints on the Powers of the States. Philadelphia: J.C. Clark, 1837.
— 2: Baldwin, Henry. Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States in and for the Third Circuit: Comprising the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey [Baldwin’s Circuit Court Reports]. Philadelphia: James Kay, 1837.
Wayne, James Moore. (January 14, 1835 – July 5, 1867)
Barbour, Philip Pendleton. (May 12, 1836 – February 25, 1841)
Catron, John. (May. 1, 1837 – May 30, 1865)
McKinley, John. (January 9, 1838 – July 19, 1852)
Daniel, Peter Vivian. (January 10, 1842 – May 31, 1860)
Nelson, Samuel. (February 27, 1845 – November 28, 1872)
Woodbury, Levi. (September 23, 1845 – September 4, 1851)
Woodbury, Levi. A Discourse Pronounced at the Capitol of the United States in the Hall of Representatives Before the American Historical Society. Washington, DC: Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1837.
— 2: Annual Address, Delivered before the National Institute, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, January 15, 1845. Washington: J & G.S. Gideon, 1845.
— 3: Eulogy on the Life, Character, and Public Services of the Late Ex-President Polk. Boston: J.H. Eastburn, 1849.
— 4: Writings of Levi Woodbury, L.L.D.: Political, Judicial, and Literary. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1852. (3 vols.)
Grier, Robert Cooper. (August 10, 1846 – January 31, 1870)
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. (October 10, 1851 – September 30, 1857)
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, 1851-1856. Boston: Little, Brown, 1854-57. (2 vols)
— 2: Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. From the Origin of the Court to the Close of the December Term 1854. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1856.
— 3: Executive Power. Boston: Little, Brown, 1862.
— 4: Jurisdiction, Practice, and Peculiar Jurisprudence of the Courts of the United States. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1880. [lectures delivered in 1872, transcribed and revised before his death]
— 5: Curtis, Benjamin R., ed. A Memoir of Benjamin Robbins Curtis, L.L.D. with Some of His Professional and Miscellaneous Writings. Boston: Little Brown, 1879. [Note: includes a memoir of George Ticknor ]
[Curtis, Benjamin R., ed. Life and Writings of Benjamin R. Curtis. Boston: Little, Brown, 1879.]
Campbell, John Archibald. (April 11, 1853 – April 30, 1861)
Campbell, John Archibald. Recollections of the Evacuation of Richmond, April 2d, 1865. Baltimore: J. Murphy, 1880.
— 2: Reminiscences and Documents Relating to the Civil War During the Year 1865. Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1887.
Clifford, Nathan. (January 21, 1858 – July 25, 1881)
Swayne, Noah Haynes. (January 27, 1862 – January 24, 1881)
Miller, Samuel Freeman. (July 21, 1862 – October 13, 1890)
Miller, Samuel Freeman. Reports of Decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States. Washington, DC: W.H. & O.H. Morrison, 1874.
— 2: The Constitution of the United States: Three Lectures Delivered Before the University Law School of Washington, D.C. Washington, DC: W.H. & O.H. Morrison, 1880.
— 3: Introductory Address on the Use and Value of Authorities in the Argument of Cases Before the Courts and in the Decisions of Cases by the Courts. Philadelphia: J.M.P. Wallace, 1888.
— 4: The Constitution and the Supreme Court of the United States of America. NY: D. Appleton & Co., 1889.
— 5: Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. NY: Banks and Brothers, 1891. [written before his death, published posthumously]
Davis, David. (December 10, 1862 – March 4, 1877)
Field, Stephen Johnson. (May 20, 1863 – December 1, 1897)
Field, Stephen Johnson. Personal Reminiscences of early Days in California With Other Sketches. Washington, DC: 1893.
[Some Opinions and Papers of Stephen J. Field, Associate Justice and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, United States Circuit Justice for the Ninth and Tenth Circuits, and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, [2007?]
Strong, William. (March 14, 1870 – December 14, 1880)
Strong, William. Two Lectures Upon the Relations of Civil Law to Church Polity, Discipline, and Property. NY: Dodd & Mead, 1875.
— 2: An Eulogium on the Life and Character of Horace Binney. Philadelphia: McCalla & Stavely, 1876.
— 3: The Growth and Modifications of Private Civil Law. Philadelphia: A.L. Farrand, 1879.
Bradley, Joseph P. (March 23, 1870 – January 22, 1892)
Bradley, Joseph P. Historical Discourse. Albany, NY: 1870.
— 2: The Centennial Celebration of Rutgers College, June 21, 1870: With an Historical Discourse. Albany, NY: Joel Munsell, 1870.
— 3: A Memorial of the Life and Character of Hon. William L. Dayton: Late U.S. Minister to France. Newark, NJ: Daily Advertiser Printing House, 1875.
— 4: Memoir of Theodore Strong, 1790-1869. Washington, DC: Judd & Detweiler, 1879.
— 5: Law, Its Nature and Office as the Bond and Basis of Civil Society. Philadelphia: J.M.P. Wallace, 1884.
— 6: Family Notes Respecting the Bradley Family of Fairfield. Newark, NJ: A. Pierson & Co., 1894.
— 7: et al. Miscellaneous Writings of the Late Hon. Joseph P. Bradley … and a Review of his Judicial Record. Newark, N.J.: L.J. Hardham, 1901.
Hunt, Ward. (January 9, 1873 – January 27, 1882)
Harlan, John Marshall. (December 10, 1877 – October 14, 1911)
Harlan, John Marshall, et al. Marriage; A Treatise. NY: American Law Book Co., 1907.
Woods, William Burnham. (January 5, 1881 – May 14, 1887)
Woods, William Burnham, reporter. Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Courts of the United States for the Fifth Judicial Circuit [1870-1883]. Chicago: Callaghan, 1875-83.
Matthews, Stanley. (May 17, 1881 – March 22, 1889)
Matthews, Stanley. A Summary of the Law of Partnership. For Use of Business Men. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co., 1864.
—2: et. al. Report of Cases Adjudged in the Superior Court of Cincinnati at Special and General Terms. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke, 1867-71. (2 vols)
—3: The Function of the Legal Profession in the Progress of Civilization. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co., 1881.
—4: The Judicial Power of the United States in Some of its Aspects Particularly as Illustrating in its Exercise and Development the True Nature and Essential Characteristics of Our Compound Form of Government. New Haven: Hoggson & Robinson, 1888.
Gray, Horace. (January 9, 1882 – September 15, 1902)
Gray, Horace, et al. A Legal Review of the Case of Dred Scott, As Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Co., 1857.
—2: The Power of the Legislature to Create and Abolish Courts of Justice. Boston: G.C. Rand & Avery, 1858.
—3: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Boston: Little, Brown, 1883. (16 vols.)
—4: An Address on the Life, Character and Influence of Chief Justice Marshall: Delivered at Richmond on the Fourth Day of February, 1901, at the Request of the State Bar Association of Virginia and the Bar Association of the City of Richmond. Washington: Pearson Printing Office, 1901.
[Gray, Horace. Catalogue of the Valuable Law Library of the Late Honorable Horace Gray. Boston: Libbie, 1903.]
Blatchford, Samuel. (April 3, 1882 – July 7, 1893)
Blatchford, Samuel, reporter. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit. Auburn, NY: Derby and Miller, 1852-88. (24 vols.)
— 2: compiler. Statutes of the State of NY, of a Public and General Character, Passed from 1829 to 1851, Both Inclusive: With Notes, and References to Judicial Decisions, and the Constitution of 1846. Auburn, NY: Derby and Miller, 1852.
— 3: et al. The NY Civil and Criminal Justice A Complete Treatise on the Civil, Criminal, and Special Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace in the State of NY, With Numerous Forms. Auburn, NY: Derby and Miller, 1853
— 4: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. NY: Jacob R. Halsted, 1855.
— 5: Reports of Cases in Prize, Argued and Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, 1861-65. NY: Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1866.
Lamar, Lucius Quintus C. (January 18, 1888 – January 23, 1893)
Lamar, L. Q. C. Oration on the Life, Character, and Public Services of Hon. John C. Calhoun. Charleston, SC: Lucas, Richardson and Co., 1888.
Brewer, David Josiah. (January 6, 1890 – March 28, 1910)
Brewer, David J. Protection to Private Property from Public Attack. New Haven: Hoggson & Robinson, 1891.
— 2: The Pew to the Pulpit. NY: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1897.
— 3: The Income Tax Cases and Some Comments Thereon. Iowa City: The University, 1898.
— 4: The Twentieth Century From Another Viewpoint. NY: F.H. Revell Co., 1899.
— 5: The Spanish War A Prophesy or an Exception?. Buffalo: Anti Imperialist League, 1899.
— 6: ed. The World’s Best Orations; From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. St. Louis: F.P. Kaiser, 1899. (10 vols.)
— 7: American Citizenship; Yale Lectures. NY: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1902.
— 8: The United States a Christian Nation. Philadelphia: Winston, 1905.
— 9: Address: Two Periods in the History of the Supreme Court. Richmond, VA: Richmond Press, 1906.
— 10: et al. International Law; A Treatise. NY: American law Book Co., 1906.
— 11: ed. Crowned Masterpieces of Eloquence That Have Advanced Civilization. NY: F.P. Kaiser Pub. Co., 1908. (10 vols.)
— 12: The Mission of the United States in the Cause of Peace. Boston: The American Peace Society, 1909.
— 13: et al. Mohonk Addresses. Boston: Ginn and Co., 1910.
— 14: ed. The World’s Best Essays, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. St. Louis: F.P. Kaiser, 1900. (10 vols.)
[Brewer, David J. Orators and Oratory of Texas. Edited by William Vincent Byars. Chicago: F.P. Kaiser, 1923.]
Brown, Henry Billings. (January 5, 1891 – May 28, 1906)
Brown, Henry Billings. The Twentieth Century. New Haven: Hoggson & Robinson, 1895.
— 2: Cases on the Law of Admiralty. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1896.
— 3: Reports of Admiralty and Revenue Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, For the Western Lake and River Districts. NY: Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1876.
— 4: Memoir of Henry Billings Brown: Late Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Consisting of an Autobiographical Sketch. NY: Duffield, 1915
Shiras, George, Jr. (October 10, 1892 – February 23, 1903)
Jackson, Howell Edmunds. (March 4, 1893 – August 8, 1895)
White, Edward Douglass. (March 12, 1894 – December 18, 1910 (Elevated))
See entry under Chief Justices.
Peckham, Rufus Wheeler. (January 6, 1896 – October 24, 1909)
McKenna, Joseph. (January 26, 1898 – January 5, 1925)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. (December 8, 1902 – January 12, 1932)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, et al. Notes on Common Forms A Book of Massachusetts Law. Boston: Little, Brown, 1867.
— 2: ed. Commentaries on American Law. [by James Kent], 12th ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1873. (4 vols.)
— 3: The Common Law. Boston: Little, Brown, 1881 [reprinted with minor corrections and an introduction by G. Edward White by Harvard University Press, 2009]
— 4: Collected Legal Papers. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920.
— 5: Speeches. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1934, c.1913. [earlier editions in 1891, 1896, 1900, 1913 and 1918]
[Holmes, Oliver W. Justice Holmes to Doctor Wu: An Intimate Correspondence, 1921-1932. NY: Central Book Company, n.d.]
[The Dissenting Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes. NY: Vanguard Press, 1929. Arranged, with introductory notes, by Alfred Lief with a foreword by George W. Kirchwey.]
[Representative Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes. NY: Vanguard Press, 1931.
Arranged, with introductory notes, by Alfred Lief, with a foreword by Harold J. Laski (reissued, 1997)]
[Harry Shriver, ed. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: His Book Notices, Uncollected Letters, and Papers. NY: The Central Book Co., 1936]
[Harry Shriver, ed. The Judicial Opinions of Oliver Wendell Holmes: Constitutional Opinions, Selected Excerpts, and Epigrams as Given in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1885-1902. Buffalo, NY: Dennis, 1940. Foreword by Francis Biddle.]
[Mark DeWolfe Howe, ed. Holmes-Pollock Letters: The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Sir Frederick Pollock, 1874-1942. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, 2 vols.]
[Mark DeWolfe Howe, ed. Touched with Fire: Civil War Letters and Diary of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1946 – reissued with new introduction by David H. Burton, Fordham University Press, 2000]
[Max Lerner, ed. The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes: His Speeches, Essays, Letters and Judicial Opinions. NY: Little, Brown & Co., 1946]
[Mark DeWolfe Howe, ed. Holmes-Laski Letters: The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Harold J. Laski, 1916-1935. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1953, 2 vols.]
[Holmes, Oliver W. The Holmes Reader; The Life, Writings, Speeches, Constitutional Decisions, etc., of the Late Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as an Evaluation of His Work and Achievements by Eminent Authorities. Edited by Julius J. Marke. NY: Oceana Publications, 1955.]
[Mark DeWolfe Howe, ed. The Occasional Speeches of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962]
[James B. Peabody, ed. The Holmes-Einstein Letters: Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Lewis Einstein, 1903-1935. NY: St. Martins Press, 1964]
[Justice Holmes, Ex Cathedra. Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Co., 1966. Compiled and arranged by Edward J. Bander.]
[Holmes, Oliver W. and Patrick Sheehan. Holmes-Sheehan Correspondence: The Letters of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan. Edited by David H. Burton. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1976.]
[Frederic R. Kellogg, ed. The Formative Essays of Justice Holmes: The Making of an American Legal Philosophy. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1984]
[Richard A. Posner, ed. The Essential Holmes: Selections from the Letters, Speeches, Judicial Opinions, and other Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1992]
[Sheldon M. Novick, ed., The Collected Papers of Justice Holmes: Complete Public Writings and Selected Judicial Opinions of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995, 3 vols.]
[Robert M. Mennel & Christine L. Compston, eds. Holmes & Frankfurter: Their Correspondence, 1912-1934. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1996]
[Ronald Collins, ed. The Fundamental Holmes: A Free speech Chronicle and Reader: Selections from the Opinions, Books, Articles, Speeches, Letters, and Other Writings by and about Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.]
Day, William Rufus. (March 2, 1903 – November 13, 1922)
Moody, William Henry. (December 17, 1906 – November 20, 1910)
Lurton, Horace Harmon. (January 3, 1910 – July 12, 1914)
Lurton, Horace H. The Life and Public Service of Chief Justice John Marshall. Nashville, TN: Folk & Browder, 1901.
— 2: Which Shall it Be, a Government of Law or a Government of Men? Richmond, VA: Richmond Press, 1910.
Hughes, Charles Evans. (October 10, 1910 – June 10, 1916)
See entry under Chief Justices.
Van Devanter, Willis. (January 3, 1911 – June 2, 1937)
Lamar, Joseph Rucker. (January 3, 1911 – January 2, 1916)
Lamar, Joseph Rucker, et al. The Code of the State of Georgia: Adopted December 15, 1895. Atlanta, GA: Foote & Davies, 1896. (4 vols.)
— 2: Georgia Law Books. Augusta, GA: Richards & Shaver, 1898.
— 3: Lamar, Joseph Rucker. A Century’s Progress in Law. Augusta, GA: Richards and Shaver, 1900.
Pitney, Mahlon. (March 18, 1912 – December 31, 1922)
McReynolds, James Clark. (October 12, 1914 – January 31, 1941)
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz. (June 5, 1916 – February 13, 1939)
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz. Life Insurance: The Abuses and the Remedies. Boston: Policy-Holders Protective Committee, 1905.
— 2: Business — A Profession. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1914.
— 3: Other People’s Money, and How the Bankers Use It. NY: Stokes, 1914.
— 4: The Jewish Problem, How to Solve It. NY: Zionist Organization of America, 1915. [1st edition, 1915 / 5th edition, 1919]
— 5: The Curse of Bigness; Miscellaneous Papers. NY: The Viking Press, 1934.
— 6: Brandeis on Zionism: A Collection of Addresses and Statements. Washington, D.C.: Zionist Organization of America, 1942.
[Brandeis, Louis D. Brandeis and (Brandeis): The Reversible Mind of Louis D. Brandeis, ‘the People’s Lawyer,’ as It Stands Revealed in His Public Utterances, Briefs, and Correspondences. Boston: United Shoe Machinery, 1912.]
[Alfred Lief, ed. The Social and Economic Views of Mr. Justice Brandeis with a foreword by Charles A. Beard. NY: The Vanguard Press, 1930]
[Alfred Lief, ed. The Brandeis Guide to the Modern World. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941.]
[Solomon Goldman, ed. The Words of Justice Brandeis with a foreword by William O. Douglas. NY: Henry Schuman, 1953]
[Alexander M. Bickel, ed. The Unpublished Opinions by Mr. Justice Brandeis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1957]
[Melvin Urofsky & David W. Levy, eds. Letters of Louis D. Brandeis. Albany, NY: State University Press of New York, 1971-1978, 5 vols.]
[Melvin Urofsky & David W. Levy, eds. . “Half Brother, Half Son”: the Letters of Louis D. Brandeis to Felix Frankfurter. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991]
[Philippa Strum, Brandeis on Democracy. Lawrence, KN: University Press of Kansas, 1995]
[Melvin Urofsky & David W. Levy, eds. The Family Letters of Louis D. Brandeis. Norman, OK: 2002]
[Robert F. Cochran, ed. Louis D. Brandeis’s MIT Lectures on Law (1892-1894). Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2011]
Clarke, John Hessin. (October 9, 1916 – September 18, 1922)
Sutherland, George. (October 2, 1922 – January 17, 1938)
Sutherland, George. Price Standardization. Chicago: Blackstone Institute, 1917.
— 2: Private Rights and Government Control. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1917.
— 3: Constitutional Power and World Affairs. NY: Columbia University Press, 1919.
Butler, Pierce. (January 2, 1923 – November 16, 1939)
Sanford, Edward Terry. (February 19, 1923 – March 8, 1930)
Sanford, Edward Terry. Blount College and the University of Tennessee, An Historical Address. Knoxville: University of Tennessee, 1894.
Stone, Harlan Fiske. (March 2, 1925 – July 2, 1941 (Elevated))
See entry under Chief Justices.
Roberts, Owen Josephus. (June 2, 1930 – July 31, 1945)
Roberts, Owen J. The Court and the Constitution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1951.
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan. (March 14, 1932 – July 9, 1938)
Cardozo, Benjamin N. The Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Albany, NY: Banks & Co., 1903.
— 2: The Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. 2d ed. Albany, NY: Banks & Co., 1909.
— 3: The Nature of the Judicial Process. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921.
— 4: The Growth of the Law. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1924.
— 5: The Paradoxes of Legal Science. NY: Columbia University Press, 1928.
— 6:. What Medicine Can Do for Law. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1930.
— 7: Law and Literature and Other Essays and Addresses. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1931.
— 8: Values. NY: Jewish Institute of Religion, 1944.
[Cardozo, Benjamin N. Selected Writings. Edited by Margaret E. Hall. NY: Fallon Publications, 1947, reprinted in 2003 with a foreword by Edwin W. Patterson.]
[A.L. Sainer, ed., Law Is Justice: Notable Opinions of Mr. Justice Cardozo. Clark, NJ: The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 1999]
Black, Hugo Lafayette. (August 19, 1937 – September 17, 1971)
Black, Hugo LaFayette. A Constitutional Faith. NY: Knopf, 1968.
[Dillard, Irving, editor. One Man’s Stand for Freedom Mr. Justice Black and the Bill of Rights. NY: Knopf, 1963]
[John P. Frank, ed. Mr. Justice Black: The Man and His Opinions. NY: Knopf, 1948]
[Black, Hugo LaFayette. Mr. Justice and Mrs. Black: the Memoirs of Hugo L. Black and Elizabeth Black. NY: Random House, 1986.]
Reed, Stanley Forman. (January 31, 1938 – February 25, 1957)
Frankfurter, Felix. (January 30, 1939 – August 28, 1962)
Frankfurter, Felix, joint ed. Survey of Criminal Justice in Cleveland. Cleveland: Cleveland Foundation, 1921.
— 2: ed. A Selection :of Cases Under the Interstate Commerce Act. 2d ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1922.
— 3: The Business of the Supreme Court; A Study in the Federal Judicial System. NY: The Macmillan Co., 1927.
— 4: Mr. Justice Holmes and the Constitution. Cambridge, MA: Dunster House Bookshop, 1927.
— 5: The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti; A Critical Analysis For Lawyers and Laymen. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1927.
Frankfurter, Felix. The Labor Injunction. NY: Macmillan, 1930.
— 6: The Public and Its Government. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930.
— 7: ed. Cases and Other Authorities on Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure. Chicago: Callaghan, 1931.
— 8: ed. Mr. Justice Brandeis, Essays. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932.
— 9: Mr. Justice Holmes. New York: Coward-McCann, 1931.
— 10: ed. Cases and Other Materials on Administrative Law. NY: Commerce Clearing House, 1932.
— 11: Cases and Materials on Administrative Law. 2d ed. Chicago: The Foundation Press, 1935.
— 12: ed. Cases and Other Authorities on Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure. rev. ed. Chicago: Callaghan, 1937.
— 13: The Commerce Clause Under Marshall, Taney and Waite. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1937.
— 14: Mr. Justice Holmes and the Supreme Court. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1938.
— 15: Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes. NY: Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1947.
— 16: Felix. Sketch of the Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. NY: American Council of Learned Societies, 1944.
— 17: Some Observations on Supreme Court Litigation and Legal Education. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1954.
— 18: Of Law and Men. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1956.
— 19: Oliver W. Holmes. Boston: Starr King Press, 1956.
— 20: Mr. Justice Holmes and the Supreme Court. 2d ed. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.
— 21: Felix Frankfurter Reminisces. NY: Doubleday, 1962.
— 22: Joseph P. Lash, ed., From the Diaries of Felix Frankfurter. NY: W.W. Norton, 1975.
[Law and Politics: Occasional Papers of Felix Frankfurter. Edited by Archibald Macleish. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939.]
[The Constitutional World of Mr. Justice Frankfurter: Some Representative Opinions. New York: Hafner, 1949. Edited by Samuel J. Konefsky.]
[Philip B. Kurland, ed., Of Life, Law & Other Things that Matter. Cambridge, MA: 1965]
[Roosevelt and Frankfurter: Their Correspondence, 1928-1945. Edited by Max Freedman. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968.]
[Philip B. Kurland, ed., Felix Frankfurter on the Supreme Court: Extrajudicial Essays on the Court and the Constitution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1970]
[Felix Frankfurter: A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, 1971.]
[Melvin Urofsky & David W. Levy, eds. . “Half Brother, Half Son”: the Letters of Louis D. Brandeis to Felix Frankfurter. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991]
Douglas, William Orville. (April 17, 1939 – November 12, 1975)
Douglas, William O. Cases and Materials on the Law of Corporate Reorganization. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1931.
— 2: Cases and Materials on the Law of Financing of Business Units. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1931.
— 3: Cases and Materials on the Law of Management of Business Units. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1931.
— 4: et al. Cases on the Law of Partnership, Joint Stock Associations, Business Trusts, and Other Noncorporate Business Organizations. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1932.
— 5: Cases and Materials on Business Units, Losses, Liabilities, and Assets. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1932.
— 6: Democracy and Finance. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1940.
— 7: Citizenship. Stamford, CT: Overbrook Press, 1941.
— 8: Being an American. NY: J. Day Co., 1948.
— 9: Education for Citizenship. Los Angeles: Occidental College, Ward Richie Press, 1949.
— 10: Stare Decisis. NY: Association of the Bar of the City of NY, 1949.
— 11: Of Men and Mountains. NY: Harper, 1950.
— 12: Strange Lands and Friendly People. NY: Harper, 1951.
— 13: The Battle for the Minds of Men. NY: Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 1952.
— 14: Beyond the High Himalayas. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1952.
— 15: North from Malaya; Adventure on Five Fronts. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1953.
— 16: Washington and Manifest Destiny. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1953.
— 17: An Almanac of Liberty. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1954.
— 18: From Marshall to Mukherjea; Studies in American and Indian Constitutional Law. Calcutta: Eastern Law House, 1956.
— 19: Russian Journey. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1956.
— 20: Law and Psychiatry. NY: William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology, 1956.
— 21: We the Judges; Studies in American and Indian Constitutional Law from Marshall to Mukherjea. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1956.
— 22: The Bill of Rights and America — At Home and Abroad. Wichita: University of Wichita Press, 1958.
— 23: Freedom is Security. NY: Doubleday & Co., 1958.
— 24: Exploring the Himalaya. NY: Random House, 1958.
— 25: The Right of the People. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958.
— 26: West of the Indus. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958.
— 27: ed. The Mind and Faith of A. Powell Davies. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1959.
— 28: America Challenged. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1960.
— 29: Judges, Juries and Bureaucrats. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, 1960.
— 30: My Wilderness: The Pacific West. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960.
— 31: Vagrancy and Arrest on Suspicion. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico School of Law, 1960.
— 32: The Rule of Law in World Affairs. Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1961.
— 33: A Living Bill of Rights. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1961.
— 34: Muir of the Mountains. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961.
— 35: My Wilderness: East to Katahdin. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1961.
— 36: Democracy’s Manifesto. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962.
— 37: The Anatomy of Liberty; The Rights of Man Without Force. NY: Trident Press, 1963.
— 38: Mr. Lincoln & the Negroes; The Long Road to Equality. NY: Athenaeum, 1963.
— 39: Freedom of the Mind. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1964.
— 40: A Wilderness Bill of Rights. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965.—
— 41: The Bible and the Schools. Boston: Little, Brown, 1966.
— 42: Farewell to Texas; A Vanishing Wilderness. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1967.
— 43: America Revisits Asia. A Critique of United States Policy. NY: City College, 1967.
— 44: Towards a Global Federalism. New York University Press, 1968.
— 45: Points of Rebellion. NY: Random House, 1970.
— 46: Holocaust or Hemispheric Co-op: Cross Currents in Latin America. NY: Random House, 1971.
— 47: International Dissent: Six Steps Toward World Peace. NY: Random House, 1971.
— 48: The Three Hundred Year War: A Chronicle of Ecological Disaster. NY: Random House, 1972.
— 49: Go East, Young Man: The Early Years; The Autobiography of William O. Douglas. NY: Random House, 1974.
— 50: The Supreme Court and the Bicentennial: Two Lectures. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1978.
— 51: The Court Years, 1939-1975: the Autobiography of William O. Douglas. NY: Random House, 1980.
[Vern Countryman, ed. The Douglas Opinions. NY: Random House, 1971]
[James M. O’Fallon, ed. Nature’s Justice: Writings of William O. Douglas. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 2000.]
Murphy, Frank. (February 5, 1940 – July 19, 1949)
Murphy, Frank. In Defense of Democracy. Washington, DC: American Council on Public Affairs, 1940.
— 2: Lawyers and the Reign of Freedom. NY University School of Law, 1940.
— 3: The American Way of Life — Can it Survive? Washington, DC: National Committee Against Persecution of the Jews, 1944.
Byrnes, James Francis. July 8, 1941 – October 3, 1942
Byrnes, James F. Speaking Frankly. NY: Harper, 1947.
— 2: The Supreme Court Must Be Curbed. Greenwood, MS: Assoc. of Citizens’ Councils, 1956.
— 3: All in One Lifetime. NY: Harper, 1958.
Jackson, Robert Houghwout. (July 11, 1941 – October 9, 1954)
Jackson, Robert Houghwout. The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy; A Study of a Crisis in American Power Politics. NY: A.A. Knopf, 1941.
— 2: Full Faith and Credit, the Lawyer’s Clause of the Constitution. NY: Columbia University Press, 1945.
— 3: The Case Against the Nazi War Criminals. NY: A.A. Knopf, 1946.
— 4: The Nurnberg Case. NY: A.A. Knopf, 1947.
— 5: Advocacy before the United States Supreme Court. San Francisco: Morrison Foundation Lecture, 1951.
— 6: The Supreme Court in the American System of Government. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955. [written before his death, published posthumously]
— 7: That Man: An Insider’s Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 2003. [written before his death, discovered and published posthumously]
[Glendon Schubert, ed., Dispassionate Justice: A Synthesis of the Judicial Opinions of Robert H. Jackson. NY: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1969]
Rutledge, Wiley Blount. (February 15, 1943 – September 10, 1949)
Rutledge, Wiley Blount. A Declaration of Legal Faith. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1947.
Burton, Harold Hitz. (October 1, 1945 – October 13, 1958)
Burton, Harold H. America Looks Ahead. Boston, MA: Unitarian War Service Council, 1944.
— 2: The Story of the Place Where First and A Streets Formerly Met at What Is Now the Site of the Supreme Court Building. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1952.
Clark, Tom Campbell. (August 24, 1949 – June 12, 1967)
Minton, Sherman. (October 12, 1949 – October 15, 1956)
Harlan, John Marshall. (March 28, 1955 – September 23, 1971)
Harlan, John Marshall. Manning the Dikes; Some Comments on the Statutory Certiorari Jurisdiction and Jurisdictional Statement Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States. NY: Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1958.
— 2: Planning a Career at the Bar. St. Paul, MN: West, 1960.
— 3: The Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Richmond: Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 1964.
[David L. Shapiro, ed. The Evolution of a Judicial Philosophy: Selected Opinions and Papers of Justice John M. Harlan. Cambridge, MA: 1969]
Brennan, William J., Jr. (October 16, 1956 – July 20, 1990)
Brennan, William J. Modernizing the Courts. NY: Institute of Judicial Administration, 1957.
— 2: The Bill of Rights and the States. Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1961.
— 3: Teaching the Bill of Rights. NY: Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1963.
[Stephen Friedman, ed. William J. Brennan, Jr.: An Affair with Freedom – A Collection of His Opinions and Speeches Drawn from His First Decade as a Supreme Court Justice. NY: Athenaeum, 1967]
Whittaker, Charles Evans. (March 25, 1957 – March 31, 1962)
Whittaker, Charles, Evans. Law, Order, and Civil Disobedience. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1967.
Stewart, Potter. (October 14, 1958 – July 3, 1981)
White, Byron Raymond. (April 16, 1962 – June 28, 1993)
Goldberg, Arthur Joseph. (October 1, 1962 – July 25, 1965)
Goldberg, Arthur J. AFL-CIO: Labor United. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1956.
— 2: The Rule of Law in an Unruly World. NY: School of International Affairs, Columbia University, 1966.
— 3: The Pursuit of Peace in the Middle East. NY: American Jewish Committee, 1969.
— 4: Equal Justice; The Warren Era of the Supreme Court. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1971.
Fortas, Abe. (October 4, 1965 – May 14, 1969)
Fortas, Abe. Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience. NY: World Publ. Co., 1968.
Marshall, Thurgood. (October 2, 1967 – October 1, 1991)
[Marshall, Thurgood. Marshaling Justice: the Early Civil Rights Letters of Thurgood Marshall. NY: Amistad, 2011]
Blackmun, Harry A. (June 9, 1970 – August 3, 1994)
Rehnquist, William H. (January 7, 1972 – September 26, 1986 (Elevated))
See entry under Chief Justices.
Powell, Lewis F., Jr. (January 7, 1972 – June 26, 1987)
Stevens, John Paul. (December 19, 1975 – June 29, 2010)
Stevens, John Paul. The Bill of Rights: A Century of Progress. Chicago: Law School, University of Chicago, 1992.
— 2: Five Chiefs: A Supreme Court Memoir. NY: Little, Brown, 2011
O’Connor, Sandra Day. (September 25, 1981 – January 31, 2006)
O’Connor, Sandra Day. Establishing Justice. Manhattan, KN: Kansas State University, 1988.
— 2: Lazy B: Growing Up on a Cattle Ranch in the American Southwest. NY: Random House, 2002.
— 3: The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice. NY: Random House, 2003.
— 5: Chico. NY: Dutton Children’s Books, 2005.
— 6: Finding Susie. NY: Knopf, 2009.
— 7: Out of Order: Stories from the History of the Supreme Court. New York: Random House, 2013.
Scalia, Antonin. (September 26, 1986 – Present)
Scalia, Antonin. A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law: An Essay. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997.
— 2: & Bryan A. Garner. Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2008.
— 3: & Bryan A. Garner. Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts. St. Paul, MN: Thompson/West, 2012.
Kennedy, Anthony M. (February 18, 1988 – Present)
Kennedy, Anthony M. The Constitution and the Spirit of Freedom. Washington, DC: National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 1990.
Souter, David H. (October 9, 1990 – June 29, 2009)
Thomas, Clarence. (October 23, 1991 – Present)
Thomas, Clarence. Why Black Americans Should Look to Conservative Policies. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, 1987.
— 2: Character. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, 1998.
— 3: My Grandfather’s Son: a Memoir. NY: Harper, 2007.
[Articles and Speeches by Clarence Thomas. Washington, DC: Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, 1991.]
[Henry Mark Holzer, editor, The Supreme Court Opinions of Clarence Thomas, 1991-2011. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., Inc., 2nd ed., 2012]
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader. (August 10, 1993 – Present)
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, et al. Civil Procedure in Sweden. The Hague, Netherlands: M. Nijhoff, 1965.
— 2: ed. Business Regulation in the Common Market Nations. NY, McGraw-Hill, 1969. vol. 1
— 3: A Selective Survey of English Language Studies on Scandinavian Law. South Hackensack, NJ: F.B. Rothman, 1970.
— 4: et al. Text, Cases, and Materials on Constitutional Aspects of Sex-Based Discrimination. St. Paul, MN: West Pub. Co.,1974.
— 5: et al. Text, Cases, and Materials on Sex-Based Discrimination. St. Paul, MN: West Pub. Co., 1974.
— 6: Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, et al. Text, Cases, and Materials on Sex-Based Discrimination. 2d ed. St. Paul, MN: West Pub. Co., 1981.
[Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, translator. The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure. South Hackensack, NJ: F.B. Rothman, 1968]
Breyer, Stephen G. (August 3, 1994 – Present)
Breyer, Stephen G. Energy Regulation by the Federal Power Commission. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1974.
— 2: et al. Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1979.
Note: There are multiple editions of this book
— 3: et al. Regulation and Its Reform. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.
— 4: Breaking the Vicious Circle: Toward Effective Risk Regulation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993.
— 5: The Legal Profession and Public Service. Washington, DC: National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 2000.
— 6: Economic Reasoning and Judicial Review. Washington, DC: AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, 2004.
— 7: Judicial Activism: Power Without Responsibility? Parkeville, Vic.: Trinity College, University of Melbourne, 2005.
— 8: Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution. NY: Vintage, 2006.
— 15: America’s Supreme Court: Making Democracy Work. Oxford University Press, 2010.
— 9: Making Our Democracy Work: a Judge’s View. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
Alito, Samuel A., Jr. (January 31, 2006 – Present)
Alito, Samuel A. et al. The RICO Racket. Washington, DC: National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 1989.
Sotomayor, Sonia (August 8, 2009 – Present)
Sotomayor, Sonia: My Beloved World. New York: Knopf, 2013.
Kagan, Elena (August 7, 2010 – Present)