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Today at the Court: January 9, 2012

We expect additional orders from the January 6 Conference at 10:00 a.m. (Lyle covered the Court’s initial orders from that list on Friday.)

Today is the first day of the January sitting.  The Justices will first hear oral argument in Sackett v. EPA, a case involving the right to sue to challenge an order by the Environmental Protection Agency to stop polluting waterways or wetlands. Lyle Denniston previewed the case, which we continue to discuss this week in the Community.  Ronald Mann previewed the second argument of the day, Kappos v. Hyatt, in which the Justices will consider what standard of review courts should apply to the Patent and Trademark Office’s decisions granting or refusing patents.  Lyle also previewed the Texas redistricting cases, Perry v. Perez, which we discussed last week in the Community, that discussion also remains open.   Oral argument in those cases is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m.

Recommended Citation: Kali Borkoski, Today at the Court: January 9, 2012, SCOTUSblog (Jan. 9, 2012, 12:01 AM),