Martin v. Howard University
Petition for certiorari denied on January 17, 2012
Issue: (1) Whether it is the duty of the Court or the jury to decide whether undisputed conduct constitutes "protected activity" for reporting "sexual harassment," within the meaning of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, particularly in light of Crawford v. Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn.; (2) whether Title VII protects stalking victims -- who are primarily women -- when they report stalking in the workplace; (3) Whether a trial court violate a plaintiff's
Fourteenth and/or Fifth Amendment rights to due
process by refusing to apply Rule 60(b) to reverse a
judgment that is inconsistent with a Supreme Court
Decision issued while the case is still in the
Appellate Process? (4) Whether a trial court violate a plaintiff's
Fourteenth and/or Fifth Amendment rights to due
process and thwart civil rights litigation by placing a
decision on her motion for mandatory Rule 37
sanctions – in excess of $364,000 -- in indefinite
abeyance and close the case without deciding it?
Briefs and Documents
Certiorari-stage documents