3 days of argument on health care

The Supreme Court on Monday scheduled three days of oral argument, totaling 5 1/2 hours of actual argument time in March, on the constitutional issues surrounding the new federal health care law — the Affordable Care Act.   On Monday, March 26, the Court will hear one hour of argument on whether challenges to the individual insurance mandate are barred by the federal Anti-Injunction Act.  On Tuesday, March 27, the Court will hear two hours of argument on the constitutionality of the individual insurance mandate.  And on Wednesday, March 28, the Court will hear 90 minutes of argument in the morning on the question of whether any of the ACA, or some parts of it, could survive if the Court were to strike down the individual insurance mandate, followed in the afternoon by one hour of argument on the constitutionality of the new law’s expansion of the federal Medicaid program for the poor and disabled.

(NOTE TO READERS:  The Court has released the full oral argument calendars for both the February and March sittings.  A separate post outlining each calendar’s cases will be posted shortly.)

Posted in: Merits Cases, Health Care