Monday round-up

Today, the Court begins the December sitting with oral arguments in two cases.  In Mims v. Arrow Financial Services, LLC, which Ronald Mann previewed for this blog, the Court will consider federal court jurisdiction under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.  And in First American Financial Corp. v. Edwards, which Christopher Wright previewed for this blog and James Vicini previewed for Reuters, the Court will consider the “injury in fact” prong of Article III standing under the Real Estate Settlement Services Act.

Discussion of the Affordable Care Act turned primarily to debates over judicial recusal, with a focus on Justices Thomas and Kagan.  Lyle summarizes the arguments here, while Mark Sherman of the Associated Press and Robert Barnes of the Washington Post also provide coverage of the debate; Roger Pilon weighs in on the merits of the debate at CATO@Liberty, as does Carrie Severino of the Judicial Crisis Network in an op-ed in the Washington Examiner.  At New York Magazine, Dahlia Lithwick examines Justice Kagan’s first year on the Court, emphasizing that “[p]eople who think Justice Elena Kagan should recuse herself from the looming ‘Obamacare’ case might want to take a closer look at her first term … while Kagan is assuredly a liberal, and likely also a fan of the health-reform law, a close read of her tenure at the Supreme Court suggests that she is in fact the opposite of a progressive zealot.”

Commentators also offered broader thoughts on various aspects of the ACA litigation.  In his column for law students for this blog, Stephen Wermiel provides “[a]n introduction to jurisdiction and remedies, through the lens of the health care cases.”  At the New York Times Economix Blog, Uwe E. Reinhardt emphasizes that, through their constitutional reasoning, “the justices will be making major health policy.”  Blake Aued summarizes the issues in the case for the Athens Banner-Herald, as does Neil Reynolds in his column for the Toronto Globe and Mail.  The editorial board of the Washington Post urges the Court to allow cameras in the courtroom, arguing that the ACA cases “would be a fitting vehicle for the court’s first televised argument.” In a New York Review of Books essay entitled “How the Justices Get What They Want,” Robert Gordon reviews two recent books on the Court to provide historical context for the ACA challenges.  And Julian Pecquet of The Hill reports on an expected flood of amicus briefs in the ACA litigation.

As Lyle reports for this blog, Texas announced over the weekend that it will request an emergency order from the Court today to “delay the implementation of a new redistricting plan for the two chambers of the state’s legislature — a plan drawn up by a three-judge federal District Court for use temporarily as election season begin.”  Bloomberg, The Houston Chronicle, the Election Law Blog, and Constitutional Law Prof Blog all provide coverage.



Posted in: Round-up