Thursday round-up

Last night the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis, convicted in 1989 of murdering an off-duty police officer, after the Court denied Davis’s request for a stay of execution. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, MSNBC, the Los Angeles Times, the WSJ Law Blog, SCOTUSblog and ABC News all have coverage of the Court’s denial of a stay.

As part of a discussion on race and affirmative action, Michelle Adams argues in the Room for Debate section of the New York Times both that Justice Kennedy is the “decider on so many matters of import on the Roberts Court” and that his “views on race are actually quite nuanced.” She posits that Justice Kennedy’s, and therefore the Court’s, view is that “government cannot be race conscious in the sense that it causes racial harm, but it can be race conscious is seeking to even the playing field and create opportunities for everyone to be included.”

Several Justices are in the public eye today. The Associated Press (via the Houston Chronicle) reports that tonight at the University of Colorado Law School, retired Justice John Paul Stevens will inaugurate a new lecture series that is named after him. Sarah Galer of UChicacgo News reports that Stevens will speak at the University of Chicago on October 3 to launch his memoir, Five Chiefs. Justice Breyer sat for an extended interview yesterday with Tom Ashbrook of NPR’s “On Point” yesterday. And Jeremy Leaming of ACSblog reports on a recent speech by Justice Scalia at the American Enterprise Institute, during which Scalia honored the scholar Walter Berns and criticized “living constitutionalists.”



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