SCOTUSblog 4.0: Introducing our “Categories”

Among the new features of SCOTUSblog 4.0 is the ability to search for blog posts by “Category.”  Simply put, we tag every post that we publish with one or more “categories” associated with the particular content of that post; you can use these categories to find every archived SCOTUSblog post associated with a specific topic or subject matter.

To run a search by category, navigate to SCOTUSblog’s main page and look on the right sidebar for “Posts.”  (You may have to scroll down a bit to see it.)  There you will see an option to search either “By Month” or “By Category.”  Clicking on the arrow next to “By Category” will bring up a list of thirteen individual categories; clicking on one of those categories will take you to an Archive page that provides a chronological list for every blog post which falls within that category.  So, for example, clicking on the “Plain English” category will bring you to an Archive page chronologically listing the title, date, and author of all posts tagged with the “Plain English” category.

You can also search by category by scrolling down to the bottom of any post.  There you will see a table with four headings (“Share This,” “Categories,” “Tags” and “More”).  Next to the “Categories” heading, you will see each category with which that post has been tagged.  Clicking on one of those categories will again direct you to an Archives page where all posts affiliated with that category are chronologically listed.  So, if you’re reading a post and want to know more about that general topic, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on a category to find other posts relating to that topic.

As mentioned, there are presently thirteen categories.  Each is listed below:

Academic Round-up
Book Reviews
Cases in the Pipeline
Detainee Litigation
Everything Else
Featured Posts
Merits Cases
Plain English
Special Features
This Week at the Court
What’s Happening Now

Posted in: Everything Else