December arguments, day by day

on Sep 7, 2010 at 12:55 pm
The Supreme Court on Tuesday released the argument calendar for the December session, which actually begins on Monday, Nov. 29. It will continue through Wednesday, Dec. 8. Arguments will be held in the mornings only, starting each day at 10 a.m. and running to noon with one hour of argument per case. The issues raised in each case are indicated in the listing below. Also shown are the cases in which new Justice Elena Kagan will not be participating.
Monday, Nov. 29:
Wall v. Kohli (09-868) — State court’s reduction of a criminal sentence as a reason to suspend the one-year federal habeas filing deadline.
Walker v. Martin (09-996) — State duty to have clear deadlines for inmate challenges to conviction or sentence.
Tuesday, Nov. 30:
Schwarzenegger v. Plata (09-1233) — Federal court power to order release of state prison inmates; also, jurisdiction issue.
CIGNA Corp. v. Amara (09-804) — Scope of company’s duty to provide workers with full information about a new pension plan and their benefits.
Wednesday, Dec. 1:
Milner v. Department of Navy (09-1163) — Right of access to information about government storage of explosive munitions that may pose a risk to neighboring population.
Virginia Office v. Stewart (09-529) — Constitutionality of one state agency suing another to enforce a federal law.
Monday, Dec. 6:
Henderson v. Shinseki (09-1036) — Time limit for veterans to seek court review of government denial of disability benefits claim. (Justice Kagan recused.)
Pepper v. United States (09-6822) — Right to reduction of federal criminal sentence for rehabilitation efforts after initial sentencing. (Justice Kagan recused.)
Tuesday, Dec. 7:
Janus Capital Group v. First Derivative Traders (09-525) — Securities fraud liability of investment adviser to a mutual fund for the fund’s misleading statements about trading practices.
Thompson v. North American Stainless (09-291) — Retaliation against the relative or associate of a worker as a way to punish the worker for challenging discrimination in the workplace.
Wednesday, Dec. 8:
Chase Bank USA v. McCoy (09-329) — Banks’ duty to notify credit card holders of interest rate increase for default.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting (09-115) — States’ authority to pass their own laws to punish employers for hiring illegal alien workers; question of preemption.