Friday round-up

Even though today marks the end of a relatively quiet week at the Court, commentary regarding the upcoming Senate vote on Elena Kagan’s confirmation continues.  The New York Times’ “Caucus” blog yesterday published a graphic with the expected votes of Republican Senators (as well as their votes on Kagan’s confirmation as Solicitor General and on Justice Sotomayor’s confirmation last summer), while TIME’s “Swampland” blog covers continuing GOP opposition to Kagan’s candidacy.  TIME, Ashby Jones of the WSJ Law Blog, and Gary Marx of the National Review Online’s Bench Memos blog also note (as discussed in yesterday’s round-up) that John McCain has publicly declared his intention to vote against Kagan.  USA Today’s Kathy Keily tallies the votes and notes that the GOP Senators who voted to confirm Justice Sonia Sotomayor last year have not yet announced how they plan to vote on Kagan’s nomination.  In the Los Angeles Times, Amanda Frost (also a regular SCOTUSblog contributor) discusses Kagan’s enthusiastic endorsement of cameras in the courtroom during an exchange with Senators.  In an opinion piece in the Christian Science Monitor, John Paul Rollert looks back at last week’s hearings and concludes that, at the hearings, “Thurgood Marshall became the unlikely bridge between empathy, activist judging, and [Elena] Kagan.”

Pennsylvania’s York Daily Record has coverage of the respondents’ brief, filed on Wednesday, in Snyder v. Phelps, the free speech that will likely be argued early in the Court’s 2010 Term.  In a piece at U.S. News & World Report, William & Mary law professor Timothy Zick also addresses Snyder, arguing that, although the speech at issue in the case is repugnant, “the stakes are much higher” than the dignity of the offended parties or the fate of the speakers.

Yesterday’s Washington Post contains an obituary for Barrett McGurn, the former public information officer at the Court, who died last week at the age of 95.  The BLT reports on Mr. McGurn’s passing as well, recalling his “impish smile and eyebrows that had a life of their own,” and remarking on his “quirky but valuable” 1997 memoir, “America’s Court.”


Posted in: Round-up