Stat Pack | Updated 6.16.10

The most recently updated Stat Pack is now available here.  It covers decisions in all October Term 2009 cases as of the most recent release of orders and opinions, on Monday, June 14.  The separate charts in it are:

For comparison, see the first (April 28), second (May 24), and third (June 11) editions of the OT09 Stat Pack.  We will include more charts in the subsequent versions of the Stat Pack that we will release later this Term.  For all of the blog’s statistics reports from OT95 onward, please see our archives on SCOTUSwiki here.

Note: Starting with the last edition of the Stat Pack, we changed the classification of two cases –Conkright v. Frommert and Stolt-Nielson S.A. v. AnimalFeeds International – in which only eight Justices voted, from six-three to five-four.  We made this change because we believe that the vote was more likely to have been five-four if all nine Justices had participated.  This is an important note when comparing the last two Stat Packs with the first two.

This month, we expect opinions tomorrow, as well as on the next two Mondays (June 21 and 28).  Beyond that, the Court often issues opinions on Thursdays (and sometimes Wednesdays) during the final weeks of the Term, depending in part on when opinions are ready for release.

Below the jump are key take-aways from the Stat Pack, as well as a few points of comparison with past editions.

Posted in: Analysis