Thirty Days of John Paul Stevens

Photo courtesy of the University of Florida Levin College of Law

Tomorrow will mark Justice Stevens’ ninetieth birthday, and on its eve SCOTUSblog kicks off a thirty-day series in his honor.  For each weekday from now until the end of May, we will publish at least one post reflecting on Justice Stevens’ career and his impact on the Court’s jurisprudence.

Our contributors will include thirteen of his former law clerks, who worked for him over a quarter-century, two biographers, scholars, and journalists.  The group includes leaders in private practice, government service, and academia.  Collectively they have observed Justice Stevens over his entire Supreme Court tenure.  Some of the posts will focus on his life and personality, others on his jurisprudence.   The result, we hope, will be a rich portrayal of the Justice, by people who know him or his work well.

Links to posts in the series will be collected over time at the bottom of the inner right sidebar.

A tentative list of contributors follows the jump.

Stevens clerks:

Daniel Farber, OT  ’76, Berkeley law professor

Susan Estrich, OT  ’78, University of Southern California law professor

James Liebman, OT  ’78, Columbia law professor

Cliff Sloan,  OT  ’85, Skadden, Arps partner

Teresa Wynn Roseborough, OT  ’87, MetLife senior chief litigation counsel

Diane Marie Amann, OT  ’88, University of California at Davis law professor

Christopher Eisgruber,  OT  ’89, Princeton University provost

Pamela Harris,  OT  ’92, Georgetown law professor

Gregory Magarian,  OT  ’94,  Villanova law professor

Deborah Pearlstein, OT  ’99, Princeton research scholar

Sonja West, OT ’99, University of Georgia law professor

Andrew Siegel, OT ’00, Seattle University law professor

Joseph Thai, OT ’00, University of Oklahoma law professor

Authors who have written on Stevens:

Bill Barnhart, Stevens biographer, former Chicago Tribune columnist

John Barrett, St. John’s University law professor

Rodger Citron, Touro Law Center professor

Norman Dorsen, New York University professor

Judge John Ferren, Justice Wiley Rutledge biographer (Stevens clerked for Rutledge), senior judge on the D.C. Court of Appeals

Pam Karlan, Stanford law professor

Kenneth Manaster, Stevens biographer, Santa Clara law professor

Jeffrey Rosen,  The George Washington University law professor

Frederick Schauer, University of Virginia law professor

Posted in: Special Features, 30 Days of Stevens