Today at the Court

This morning at 10 a.m. the Court is expected to release orders from its Friday conference, including new grants of certiorari.  SCOTUSblog’s list of Petitions to Watch for this conference is here.  Today the Court will also hear oral argument in three cases.

In Jones v. Harris Associates (08-586), the Court will consider whether a shareholder’s claim that a fund’s investment adviser charged an excessive fee is cognizable under Section 36(b) of the Investment Company Act if the shareholder cannot show that the adviser misled the fund’s directors who approved the fee.  Connor Williams has written this preview for Jones.

In Shady Grove Orthopedic Associates v. Allstate Insurance Co. (08-1008), the Court will hear arguments about whether a state legislature can properly prohibit the federal courts from using the class action device for state law claims.  Lyle Denniston previously wrote an argument preview of the case, available here.

In Beard v. Kindler (08-992), the Court will consider whether a state procedural default rule for former fugitives can prevent a federal court from reviewing a prisoner’s habeas claim.  A preview of the case appears this morning on SCOTUSblog.

Posted in: Everything Else