Today’s Orders | 1.26.09

Today’s orders list is now available here.

The Court granted certiorari in three cases:  McDaniel v. Brown (08-559), Mohawk Industries v. Carpenter (08-678), and Maryland v. Shatzer (08-680).  The filings are available after the jump.

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Title: E. K. McDaniel, Warden, et al., v. Troy Brown
Issue: Whether, on federal habeas review, the evidence underlying the defendant’s conviction for sexual assault was clearly insufficient under Jackson v. Virginia (1979).

Docket: 08-678
Title: Mohawk Industries, Inc. v. Carpenter
Issue: Whether a party may immediately appeal a discovery order to disclose materials said to be covered by the attorney-client privilege.

Docket: 08-680
Title: Maryland v. Shatzer, Sr.
Issue: Whether Edwards v. Arizona (1981), which bars police from initiating questioning with criminal suspects who have invoked their right to counsel, applies to an interrogation that takes place nearly three years later.

Posted in: Everything Else