Garre now has the job, in full
on Oct 6, 2008 at 8:51 pm
UPDATE Tuesday morning
The Solicitor General was introduced to the Supreme Court in his new position by Deputy Attorney General Mark Filip at the opening of the public session Tuesday. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., then remarked: “Mr. Solicitor General, the Court welcomes you to the performance of the important office that you have assumed, to represent the Government of the United States before this Court. We wish you well in your office.”
Gregory G. Garre, nominated four months ago to be U.S. Solicitor General, on Monday took the final steps to assume that role in his own right. He has been the “Acting Solicitor General” since he was chosen in June to replace departing Paul D. Clement. As late as Monday morning’s Supreme Court orders list, and the Court’s current hearing list for October, Garre still had the “Acting” label.
His first argument of the new Term will be Wednesday in Winter, Secretary of the Navy, et al., v. Natural Resources Defense Council, et al. (07-1239. The case provides a test of the environmental impact of the Navy’s use of sonar in training exercises off the Pacific Coast, where marine mammals may be affected.