December Arguments, day by day
on Sep 8, 2008 at 11:35 am
The Supreme Court this morning released its argument calendar for the sitting that begins December 1 (available here). The Court will return to hearing the customary two arguments per day. The full schedule is below, with brief summaries of the issues involved.
Monday, December 1
Kansas v. Colorado (105, Orig.) – dispute over the Arkansas River.
14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett (07-581) – mandatory arbitration of civil rights claims under collective bargaining agreements.
Tuesday, December 2
Entergy Corp. v. EPA (07-588) and consolidated cases – regulation of cooling water intake structures under the Clean Water Act.
Fitzgerald, et vir v. Barnstable School Committee, et al. (07-1125) – constitutional sex discrimination claims against federally-funded schools.
Wednesday, December 3
Philip Morris USA, Inc. v. Williams (07-1216) – upholding of $79.5 million punitive damage award against tobacco company.
Haywood v. Drown (07-10374) – state law stripping state courts of jurisdiction over suits alleging federal constitutional violations.
Monday, December 8
Peake. v. Sanders (07-1209) – presumptions of prejudices in veterans’ assistance claims.
Pacific Bell Telephone Co.,dba AT&T California v. linkLine Communications (07-512) – availability of “price squeeze” claims between competitors.
Tuesday, December 9
Arizona v. Johnson (07-1122) – searches of car passengers under the Fourth Amendment.
Cone v. Bell (07-1114) – standard for “procedural default” under federal habeas law.
Wednesday, December 10
Ashcroft v. Iqbal (07-1015) – liability of high-ranking government officials for unlawful discrimination and physical abuse by subordinates.
AT&T Corp. v. Hulteen (07-543) – pregnancy discrimination in calculation of pension and other benefits.