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Three commentaries on the politicization of the Court come from Jack Fuller of the Chicago Tribune here, Tom Teepen of Cox Newspapers here, and Clive Crook of Financial Times here (subscription req’d).

In other general news about the term just past, Tom Blackburn of the Cox News Service comments here on Justice Scalia’s footnotes and on the Chief Justice’s approach to stare decisis. Harry Themal of the Delaware News Journal focuses on Justice Alito in his review of the term.

Michael Doyle of McClatchy Newspapers has this article on the Justices’ summer activities and what they’ll be paid for them. Tony Mauro has an article about what the Justices’ behavior during oral arguments tells us about their eventual rulings.

The school integration cases are still very much a prime subject of news stories and Op-Eds. Kathleen Brose, the president of Parents Involved in Community Schools (PICS), the petitioner in the Seattle case, has this guest column in the Seattle Times, saying that “[w]e are relieved and vindicated by the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court.” John Burbank, the executive director of the Economic Opportunity Institute, has this column on David Wright Tremaine, the law firm that represented PICS pro bono, and its intention to request payment from the Seattle School District. James J. Kilpatrick has this opinion column on Yahoo! News, in which he describes Justice Breyer’s oral dissent as “clear, dedicated, and dead wrong.” Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe describes Justice Thomas as the Court’s “predictable rebel” here, and Matthew J. Franck writing for the National Review Online responds to her here, with a critique of commentators’ “Scalia-Thomas Derangement Syndrome.” Paul Greenberg of Tribune Media Services writes here that the ruling in the race cases represents an end to the “mindless muddle that characterized the O’Connor court.”

And finally, James Rowley of Bloomberg has this article on how golf club manufacturer Ping Inc. will benefit from the Court’s ruling in Leegin Creative.