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William Schneider traces the relationship between President Bush and the Supreme Court’s conservative turn in his article on the Atlantic Monthly website.

Guest columnist to the Seattle Times, Robert S. Mahler offers this article on the conflict between the Supreme Court’s ruling in Rita v. United States, which President Bush supported, and the President’s decision to commute Scooter Libby’s prison sentence.

In an op-ed for the New York Times, here, Jack L. Goldsmith and Neal Katyal suggest that since the necessary Supreme Court precedent exists, Congress ought to establish a “comprehensive system of preventive detention” for terrorist suspects, which would include a new national security court. Meanwhile, in the LA Times, Brian T. Fitzpatrick has this op-ed on the Supreme Court’s reversal rate of decisions made by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and what should be done to lower the high numbers.

Giovanna Shay and Christopher Lasch had these comments concerning the proposed changes to the Supreme Court rules, in which they suggest that all pleadings in cases with counsel ought to be submitted online. Read other comments on the proposed revisions in Kevin’s June 6th post, here.