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Court issues October argument calendar

The Supreme Court on Monday released the argument calendar for its opening sitting beginning on Oct. 1, the first day of the new Term. Several key cases among those granted review will be heard in this session — two Sentencing Guidelines cases, a major case on third-party liability for securities fraud, a significant test of presidential power in implementing treaties, and two election law cases. The calendar can be downloaded here.

Here are the scheduled arguments, day by day (click the docket numbers for the formal statement of the Questions Presented):

Monday, Oct. 1
Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party (06-713, and a companion case, 06-730), on the constitutionality of limits on party identification on primary election ballots; consolidated for 1 hour of argument.
New York City Board of Education v. Tom F., 06-637, parents’ right to tuition reimbursement for their disabled child’s schooling.

Tuesday, Oct. 2:
Gall v. U.S. (06-7949), reasonableness of a federal sentence that is below the Sentencing Guidelines’ range..
Kimbrough v. U.S. (06-6330), reasonableness of the heavier sentences imposed for crack vs. powder cocaine crimes.

Wednesday, Oct. 3:
New York Board of Elections v. Torres (06-766), validity of selection of state judicial candidates by party convention instead of by election.
United States v. Santos (06-1005), definition of “proceeds” under federal money-laundering law.

Monday, Oct. 8
No arguments; legal holiday (Columbus Day).

Tuesday, Oct. 9
Watson v. U.S. (06-571), definition of “use” of firearm for enhanced sentence.
Stoneridge Investment v. Scientific-Atlanta (06-43), liability of third-party entities for securities fraud scheme.

Wednesday, Oct. 10:
Medellin v. Texas (06-984), President’s power to require U.S. states, under the Vienna consular convention, to allow foreign nationals to contest their convictions and sentences in state court, to satisfy World Court decisions.