Round-Up: Other News

Coverage of today’s opinions and orders is gathered in a separate round-up here. Other Supreme Court related news is collected below:

In today’s Washington Post, Robert Barnes has this piece on Justice Stevens’s tenure on the Court. Also in today’s Post, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Governor Jodi Rell have this op-ed on the need for progress on greenhouse gas emissions in the wake of the Court’s Mass v. EPA ruling.

Over the weekend, Mark Sherman reported here for the Associated Press on Justice Thomas’s silence during every oral argument this term; Peter Lattman discusses his reticence here at the Law Blog; and Steve Benen of The Carpetbagger Report weighs in here.

Yesterday, AP writer Hope Yen had this article on Justice O’Connor’s interview on Fox News Sunday, which can be viewed here.

James Vicini of Reuters has this article discussing the next president’s role in reshaping the High Court, a topic this blog discussed last Friday. (Tom Goldstein’s post analyzing the effect of the 2008 election on the Supreme Court is available here.) At Balkinization, Jack Balkin has this post discussing how Tom’s analysis supports his and Sandy Levinson’s theory of partisan entrenchment; and at Talking Points Memo, Steve Benen weighs in here.

Last Friday, Jacob Goldstein had this post at the Health Blog about the aftereffects of the Court’s KSR patent ruling.

Posted in: Everything Else