on May 24, 2007 at 7:46 pm
On WBUR’s “Here & Now”, University of Oregon Law Professor Garrett Epps discussed Justice Kennedy’s crucial vote in the 5-4 decisions this Term in this audio segment.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, University of Chicago Law Professor Richard Epstein has this commentary (subscription req’d) on the Twombly v. Bell Atlantic decision, in which “the U.S. Supreme Court began what might become a welcome revolution in civil litigation”; Steven Schwankert of IDG News Service reports here on the antitrust case online at PC World.
Tony Mauro has this post at The BLT highlighting this article, published in the Michigan Law Review, in which Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Boyce Martin Jr. “takes the justices to task for their ‘Chicken Little’ fear of allowing cameras to record and broadcast the Court’s proceedings.”
The Associated Press reports here on the City of Modesto’s cert. petition asking the Supreme Court to review an election reform lawsuit filed by three Hispanic residents claiming at-large city council elections dilute their voting power (via Election Law Blog).
At Balkinization, Brian Tamanaha has this post responding to Justice O’Connor’s comments during an interview (transcript available here; video here) last weekend on Fox News Sunday.