on May 3, 2007 at 6:24 pm
Reuters’ Peter Kaplan has this article on the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to turn down Vonage’s bid for a retrial in its patent infringement case with Verizon because of the Supreme Court’s landmark patent ruling in KSR v. Teleflex on Monday; Jeff St. Onge reports here at Bloomberg.
At, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols reports here on the patent law community’s reactions to the KSR ruling; Chirs Murphy has this article discussing the impact of the Court’s decision at InformationWeek. At Patentely-O, various commentators analyze KSR: Professor Gregory Mandel has this post; Cal Crary discusses the impact of the decision on the pharmaceutical industry here; and Professor Shubha Ghosh has this piece among others.
Today, the Wall Street Journal ran this op-ed stating that “the Supreme Court is restoring some sanity to America’s runaway patent law.” The San Jose Mercury News has this editorial praising the Supreme Court ruling, which “dramatically reined in the runaway [patent] system.” And, Rob Pegoraro has this column discussing the KSR decision and the Verizon – Vonage dispute in today’s Washington Post.
At the Warming Law blog, Doug Kendall has this post discussing the impact of the Mass. v. EPA ruling on the debate over global warming.