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In today’s New York Sun, Joseph Goldstein has this article on the consolidated campaign finance cases being argued before the Court tomorrow. At the National Review Online, James Bopp Jr., Lead Counsel for Wisconsin Right to Life, has this piece; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has this commentary in today’s Wall Street Journal. Brian Tumulty of the Appleton Post Crescent reports here on FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life (No. 06-969) and McCain, et al., v. Wisconsin Right to Life (No. 06-970).

In today’s New York Times, Linda Greenhouse has this article on yesterday’s argument in Brendlin v. California (No. 06-8120); David G. Savage reports here in the LA Times.

Devlin Barrett of the Associated Press has this article on this morning’s arguments in Perm. Mission of India v. New York (No. 06-134); Tony Mauro reports on the tax case here in the Legal Times.

Yesterday, WBUR’s “On Point” featured this audio segment, a discussion on the Roberts Court after the abortion decision with guests Jan Crawford Greenburg, Jeffrey Rosen and Karen Tumulty.

Reuters’ Maggie Fox reports here on doctors’ reactions to the abortion ruling; Michelle Fay Cortez of Bloomberg has this article; and yesterday, NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” featured this audio segment, a discussion of the Court’s decision by a doctor and activists.

Here, at Legalities, Jan Crawford Greenburg discusses the anti-Catholic backlash over the Carhart decision. Last week, Greenburg had this post discussing Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion.

Lastly, Tony Mauro has this post discussing Justice Thomas’s recusal from all cases involving Wachovia at the BLT. And Peter Lattman has this post on Kevin Merida and Michael Fletcher’s new biography, Supreme Discomfort: The Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas.