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Coverage of today’s opinions is gathered in separate news and blog round-ups. Other Supreme Court related news is here:

In today’s New York Times, Steven Greenhouse has this article on yesterday’s oral arguments in Long Island Care at Home v. Coke (No. 06-593) and the sole plaintiff, 73-year-old home health aide Evelyn Coke. Jeffrey Hirsch of the Workplace Prof Blog weighs in here , predicting a win for the Department of Labor.

Also at the Workplace Prof Blog, Paul Secunda has this post discussing yesterday’s CVSGs in two employment cases, Metlife v. Glenn (No. 06-923) and U.S. Chamber of Commerce v. Brown (No. 06-939).

Joan Biskupic previews tomorrow’s oral argument in Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Assoc. v. Brentwood Academy (No. 06-427) here in the USA Today. In the US News & World Report, Liz Halloran has this article on the case; Howard Wasserman weighs in here at the Sports Law Blog.

At the Law Blog, Peter Lattman has this post discussing the Supreme Court’s decision not to revisit lower court rulings that vacated Kenneth Lay’s conviction. Josh Gerstein of the New York Sun has this article on the Court’s decision not to review the case of Sami Al-Arian, a Florida professor who objected to his 57-month prison sentence for aiding Islamic charities.

Kenneth Jost of CQ Weekly has this column analyzing the role of precedent in Leegin Creative Leather Products v. PSKS (No. 06-480).