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Oral Argument Tomorrow in Beck v. PACE International Union

Tomorrow morning the Court will hear oral argument in No. 05-1448, Beck v. PACE International Union, which presents the question whether a pension plan sponsor’s decision to terminate a plan by purchasing an annuity, rather than to merge the pension plan with another, is a plan sponsor decision not subject to ERISA’s fiduciary obligations.

M. Miller Baker of D.C.’s McDermott, Will, & Emery will argue on behalf of petitioner Jeffrey H. Beck, while Julia P. Clark of D.C.’s Bredhoff & Kaiser will argue on behalf of respondents PACE International Union et al. Assistant to the Solicitor General Matthew Roberts will argue on behalf of the United States as an amicus in support of petitioner.

The parties’ briefs are available here; the brief of the United States is available here.

Elsewhere around the Web, Ross Runkel’s Supreme Court Times has this summary of the case; Emily Green and Kiernan Joliat have this summary and analysis of the case on Cornell’s Legal Information Institute; Emily Whipp of Medill News Service has this article on the case; and the Congressional Research Service has this summary.