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Oral Argument in Panetti v. Quarterman

The Court will hear oral argument tomorrow in No. 06-6407, Panetti v. Quarterman. In addition to Lyle Denniston’s preview of the case (available here), other summaries and analyses include:

This post from Doug Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy discussing the various legal issues at play. Berman also discusses the Court’s decision to grant cert. here.

At the ACS Blog, Martin Magnusson has this analysis of the Texas capital case and Ana M. Otero has this preview. The ACS also provides live video of the April 10 Panetti v. Quarterman Press Briefing here.

Mark Hansen previews the death penalty case here in this month’s ABA Journal e-Report; the Death Penalty Information Center summarizes the case and provides links to various briefs here; and Mary Flood has this post at the Houston Chronicle’s Legal Trade blog.

At Crime and Consequences, Kent Scheidegger has this analysis of Panetti and this post about its relationship to the Court’s 1975 decision in Faretta v. California. Scheidegger also covers the Court’s request for supplemental briefs here and links to the additional briefs here.

On this blog, Lyle Denniston’s earlier discussion of Panetti and its possible dismissal can be found here.