Breaking News

Index to Today’s Posts

At 10 AM eastern, the Court released opinions in three criminal cases, Smith v. Texas, Abdul-Kabir v. Quarterman, and Brewer v. Quarterman. The opinions are here, Lyle’s news post on the decisions is here, and Amy Howe breaks down the Abdul-Kabir and Brewer opinions here. We’ll have more analysis of the decision in Smith coming soon.

Meanwhile, the final oral arguments of the term occurred today. Transcripts are available here, and Lyle’s report on the WRTL argument is here.

There were also two new filings by Guantanamo detainees in the Boumediene and Al Odah cases. See Lyle’s post here for details.

Last, Gretchen rounds-up news reports of today’s decisions here, and has a more comprehensive Round-Up of everything else going on in the Supreme Court world here.