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Blog Round-Up: Carhart

– Tony Mauro links to Justice Ginsburg’s oral summary of her dissent here at the BLT.
– National Review’s “Bench Memos” blog has a summary of the ruling here. Continuing commentary at that site is available here.
– David Lat of Above the Law has thoughts here.
– The Volokh Conspiracy already has several posts on today’s ruling, including this one regarding the concurrence of Justice Thomas, and this one, featuring the thoughts of Orin Kerr.
– The ACSBlog has posted a statement by the Center for Reproductive Rights here.
– Rick Hasen discusses what today’s ruling means for next week’s argument in WRTL here.
– Adam B. of the DailyKos discusses the case here, and links to this Hadley Arkes article, from “First Things,” discussing what happens now that the Court has upheld the ban on “partial-birth” abortion.