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Blog Round-Up

-Lynn Paltrow has this essay online at The American Prospect.
-Balkinization has had a number of substantial posts discussing different aspects of yesterday’s ruling. Go to the homepage here and scroll, or read pieces here, here, and here (among others).
-Bench Memos on the National Review’s website also has extensive commentary from numerous contributors. Go here to see them all, or try posts here, here, and here.
-At the Volokh Conspiracy, Jonathan Adler discusses Sen. Reid’s reaction to Carhart II here and Ilya Somin has thoughts here.
-Writing on the Huffington Post, Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood says here that Wednesday was a “dark day.”
-At the BLT, Tony Mauro wonders here if this week saw “The Death of Scalito,” with the newest Justice disagreeing with Scalia in four of this week’s five decisions.