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Blog Commentary: FEC v. WRTL

Today, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in the consolidated campaign finance cases FEC & McCain v. Wisconsin Right to Life (see our preview here).

The Skeptic’s Eye Blog discusses the case here. The Right Side of the Rainbow Blog discusses the case here, in a post that links to this clip of the Wisconsin Right to Life advertisement at issue.

At Uncommon Sense, Chuck Muth says here that “Free Speech May Get Another Day in Court,” and the Three Sources Blog discusses the role of Senator McConnell here. A wealth of information on this case is also available by searching Rick Hasen’s Election Law Blog; his latest thoughts on this case can be found here.

Finally, it’s worth noting that the Cato Institute is hosting a panel on this case at 12:15 today at their DC headquarters on 1000 Mass. Ave., NW. The discussion will feature James Bopp, Jr., who is arguing the case for WRTL, Kathleen Sullivan of Stanford Law and Quinn Emmanuel, the aforementioned Rick Hasen of Loyola Law School, and Georgetown Law’s (and SCOTUSblog’s) Marty Lederman. If you won’t be at the Cato Institute, you can watch a live webcast or listen to a live audiocast here.