on Mar 5, 2007 at 4:48 pm
The AP has this article on the Court’s decision to deny review of former WorldCom chief Bernard Ebber’s appeal, challenging his trial and conviction for fraud and conspiracy. The AP has this report on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Sinochem v. Malaysia International, which the justices declared “a textbook case” for immediate dismissal on the inconvenient forum issue.
AP writer Pete Yost reports here on the summary ruling in the congressional redistricting case, Lance v. Coffman. At the Election Law Blog, Rick Hasen has this post on the Supreme Court’s per curiam opinion in this case, which was released this morning.
Aaron Streett’s latest “Supreme Court Today” update can now be found here, reviewing the Court’s orders and opinions from last week.
In today’s New York Times, Adam Liptak has this column (TimesSelect subscription req’d) about the Guantánamo cases and the relationship between the Supreme Court and the D.C. Circuit Court. The AP has this article on the detainees’ latest Supreme Court appeal.
In yesterday’s Anchorage Daily News, Tom Kizzia had this article on the “Bong Hits for Jesus” case, which will be heard before the Court on March 19. David G. Savage of the LA Times had this piece over the weekend on Justice Thomas’s interview in BusinessWeek magazine.
Skip Oliva has this post on FTC Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour’s ex parte letter to the court in the pending case, Leegin Creative Products v. PSKS, at Voluntary Trade Blog.
In today’s issue of the Legal Times, Douglas Kmiec and John Whitehead debate the question presented to the Court in Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation about taxpayers’ standing to challenge the Bush administartion’s funding of faith-based initiatives. Kmiec’s commentary is here and Whitehead weighs in here.
Also in the Legal Times, Tony Mauro has his latest Courtside column here, discussing Wilson-Epes Printing Co.’s recent move and the growing trend of establishing Supreme Court litigation clinics at top law schools.
Mauro also has this post at The BLT on the 150th anniversary of the Court’s opinion in Scott v. Sanford. Yesterday, in the Chicago Tribune, Pamela Selbert had this article on events marking the anniversary of the controversial decision in Dred Scott’s case.