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AP writer Mark Sherman has this article on the decision in Wallace v. Kato. AP writer Pete Yost reports here on the ruling in Marrama v. Citizens Bank of Massachusetts. Yost also has this report on yesterday’s decision in Lawrence v. Florida.

Peter Kaplan of Reuters has this article on today’s oral argument in Microsoft v. AT&T. CNET’s Anne Broach reports here on the patent case heard before the Supreme Court this morning. Christopher S. Rugaber has this report at; Ashby Jones has this post at the Law Blog; and Dennis Crouch reports here at Patently-O.

In today’s New York Sun, Joseph Goldstein reports here on the Court’s decision to grant review of New York State Board of Elections v.Torres. Linda Greenhouse has this article in the New York Times on the Court’s decision to review how the state of New York selects judicial candidates.

Heather Won Tesoriero of the Law Blog has this post on Andrew Frey and Andrew Pincus, both attorneys at Mayer Brown who won victories in the Supreme Court yesterday.

Mark H. Anderson of MarketWatch has this article on the Court’s decision yesterday in Weyerhauser. Ethan Leib of PrawfsBlawg weighs in here on the Philip Morris decision; Mark Moller of the CATO Institute has this analysis at CATO@Liberty. For more on the Philip Morris decision, Howard Bashman of How Appealing gathers reports and analysis here.

Finally, at Workplace Prof Blog Paul Secunda has this post on LaRue v. DeWolff, Boberg, and Assoc., an ERISA case that will be considered during an upcoming conference.