Introductory Post
on Feb 22, 2007 at 1:00 pm
I would like to thank Tom and the rest of the SCOTUSblog team for inviting me to become a full-time contributor to this blog. For those of you who don’t me, I am an associate professor of law at the University of Minnesota, and my scholarly writing is largely focused on the Supreme Court, see here. As before, I hope to continue to update the readership with relevant scholarly developments and articles as well as to present commentary on issues presently impacting the Court. In addition to posting interesting pieces over the next few months, I want to continue to explore some of the changes in the Court’s docket over the past two decades. I hope to have a post up next week commenting on the post-1993 decline in the number of paid petitions for certiorari filed with the Court, which is an underexplored but significant development over the past decade.