
Jeffrey Rosen has this article on Chief Justice Roberts in the Atlantic Monthly. Rosen’s latest book, The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries that Defined America, was released earlier this week.

At Slate, Dahlia Lithwick reports here on yesterday’s argument in the consolidated cases of Davenport v. WEA and Washington v. WEA. An interview with Lithwick on the cases can be heard here at NPR. Linda Greenhouse’s article about the union fees cases appears in the today’s New York Times; Robert Barnes of the Washington Post reports here; and Tony Mauro has this article in the Legal Times. Additionally, this report from Education Week by Andrew Trotter and Jessica L. Tonn discusses both the union fees case and Zuni Public School District No. 89 v. Department of Education, which was also argued yesterday.

Ross Runkel at has this post on the Court’s decision in Norfolk Southern Railway Co. v. Sorrell, which expands the discussion from an earlier post about the justices’ role in determining the legal issues that are decided by the Court.

The final installment in a three-part Slate series on the Brennan Memos is here. Rick Hasen has more on this series, as well as Brennan’s case histories, in this post at Election Law Blog.

Finally, at the Sentencing Law and Policy Blog, Douglas A. Berman has this post on Justice Scalia’s dissent in U.S. v. Resendiz-Ponce.

Posted in: Everything Else